Chapter 15

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It's the middle of the night and I can't sleep. I stare up into the darkness. How much I want Katniss with me, right here. I might not scream in my sleep if she were here.
But she's not.
And I need to let her go.
I sigh and get out of bed. I put a robe on and press my hand against the keypad. Opening my door. I walk out and the door slides against my back. I walk along the catwalk. Going up the stairs as I go. I can't go outside, but I can get close. I continue making my way up, my feet getting colder. I start to see a bluish glow, of what I assume is the moon's glow.
As I finish the last step, I look around. I had never been to the top before. There isn't much, the floor is all metal catwalk, you're able to look all the way down just by looking in between the small holes. There's what seems to be a security tower and a medical wing attached to it. I look up, there's a small window peeking up to the surface.
It's funny, sometimes I forget I'm underground. The light of the moon is dim through the small window, but I can still make out a silhouette of a person sitting on the roof of the medical wing. I make my way towards it, my eyes are adjusting and I can start to make out the details.
It's a girl, I can't tell how old she'd be, but her hair is wavy and dark. Her skin pale against the light. What catches my eye, is that she's wearing a hospital gown. Is she suppose to be out here?
"Hey!" I shout. I'm not sure if anyone else is out here, but I don't care.
There's something familiar about this girl.
She turns around, and her eyes get wide. She seems surprised, startled. All I can make out are her eyes. She runs back into the building before I can tell what she looks like.
I won't forget those eyes.
Those grey eyes.

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