Chapter 23

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The ride took a few hours, and within that time no one spoke. The only noise was the hum of the engine and Haymitch's snoring. Once the hovercraft landed I woke Haymitch up. There were a few soldiers with us, to protect us and the people from District if needed. As we stood up, the hatch opened. As we piled out I looked around. I don't know what District seven had looked like before, but I know it wasn't nearly this bad. The buildings were in ruins and it reeked from the bodies that were never found. I remember my short time in District seven, I had only known what the border of the district had looked like. As Haymitch was talking to some of the soldiers, I decided to look farther. I headed towards a building that was mostly holding up. I stepped over ruble and made my way into the dusty building. Whatever was inside the building was gone, probably used as supplies for survivors. All that was there were papers, dirt, and dust. Then I hear a whimper. I turn in all places, but see nothing. Maybe it was just my mind, God knows I'm not as sane as I use to be. How could I? Three games and constant death could make anyone go insane. I wonder around some more, but I don't know what I'm looking for. Then I find something. A doll. Not a real one of course, ones we use to have in District twelve. The doll was made of mismatched cloth, probably stuffed with grass or hay. The doll's clothes and face were drawn on by red paint. The whimpering returned. With the doll in my hand I followed the noise. What I did not expect to be here, is a small girl. Her dark hair looks as if it hadn't been brushed in weeks, and there was dirt everywhere on her. her dress was a pale blue, and was torn. She didn't have shoes. Once I caught sight of her she pushed herself back in a gap between two slabs of concrete. I slowly stepped forward.
"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help, okay?" She didn't move. I showed her the doll. "Is this yours?" she nods. She makes her way out of the gap and hesitantly walks towards me. I hand her the doll and say, "Come on, we need to get you out of here."
I lead her back to where I came from, but before we can reach Haymitch and the others someone screams. "PEETA! WHERE ARE YOU? WE NEED TO TAKE COVER." I look at the small girl. "Come on." I lift her into my arms, but before I can make the first step a hovercraft goes by, and a bomb goes off.
The building going with it.

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