Chapter 16

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"You have to tell him."

"No, we don't know how he'll handle it. And what about Madge and the baby? When are we going to break the news to him?"

"Soon. He has to trust you, River. Make him forget about her, make him forget about everything except the rebellion. He needs to focus on what he wants, what's good for the people, not just Katniss."

"It's not about Katniss anymore, is it?"

"It never was."

• • •

I wake in my bed. I can't forget those grey eyes, they seem so familiar. I on a grey jumpsuit that was laid on my table. I almost don't want to leave my room, it's like my sanctuary. Nothing can harm me here, I'll be safe and in peace.
I lay back on my bed, but right when I close my eyes there's a knock on the door.
"Peeta? Can I come in?"
I sigh and get up. I put my hand on the keypad and let River in. Her fire colored hair is longer than when we were in the woods. She wears an identical grey jumpsuit, but she's altered it to her own taste. The knees are ripped up and she's cut the sleeves off, she's also tied a piece of rope around her waist.
I never knew how curvy she was.
"I just wanted to know if you wanted to walk down to breakfast. Is that okay?"
I nod and we step out of my room, my door sliding behind us.
"I should probably explain myself," her voice is softer than I remember it. "The reason why I've been running around with Haymitch is because President Snow has been sending hovercrafts to the districts. We were trying to arrange for you to go to a district, and maybe help out. You don't have to do anything you don't want to of course, but, well..just showing up will help them. Ya know?"
I nod.
"Okay, I'll do it. I need to get out more anyways." We get into the elevator and she presses the button.
"So you forgive me then? For running around?"
"Hmm," I put a finger to my chin. "On one condition."
She brushes the hair out of her face. "What?"
She seems a bit concerned, like I'm going to dare her to do something outrageous. I look at her, a smile on her face. I can't help but smile too.
"I get your dessert for the rest of the week."
She laughs and brings out her hand. I take it and we shake on it.
"Deal." she grins.
"Deal." I whisper.

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