Chapter 26

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The whole journey back to District Thirteen was quiet. Everyone seemed to know what was happening except for me. River squeezed my hand the whole trip, as if she didn't want me to leave her. I squeezed back, hoping there was good news. But there isn't good news anymore, just death. As we rode back cannons where being fired off, cannons I know all too well. I know their meaning, and at least ten people died every hour that had passed. I just wanted to get back to Thirteen as quick as possible. I closed my eyes, hoping the cannons don't bring back my nightmares.

• • •

By the time I woke up, we had gotten back to Thirteen. As we left the hovercraft, I noticed a body bag coming out with us. The girl had died. She was probably dead seconds within the building collapsed on us. As I stared at the bag River pulled me aside. "Peeta," her face was emotionless, her voice however, wasn't. "Peeta you need to come with me."
"Okay, where are we going?" Her eyes never left mine. "You'll see."

• • •

    River took me to a room near the weaponry. She took me through an empty hallway, which is unusual because people are everywhere in District Thirteen. The hallway led to a room, the room had nothing but a table and two chairs in it. As River led me inside she told to sit down and to stay put. I wasn't sure what was happening. Fear and anxiety had struck me so suddenly. What if I made the wrong choice to join Thirteen? What if they were using me like Snow had? The door clicked and the handle turned. I watched as someone opened the door. I couldn't believe what I saw. A girl with olive skin and dark hair smiled weakly at me. Her hair was tied into a braid. I had seen this girl everyday back in District Twelve. I got out of my chair.
"Peeta..." Her voice was filled with joy and relief. I wasn't sure how to feel, after all I thought she was dead for a year. Could this be another trick?
"Peeta, it's me." She rushed to me and entered my arms. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, afraid to let go. If I let go she might leave me again. I whispered her name. "Katniss."

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