Chapter 7

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The next morning we packed up food and two sleeping bags, District Thirteen was only a two or three day trip. I was packing my backpack when the girl threw something at me. A hoodie.
"You need to stay covered, Peacekeepers will be everywhere now." She was wearing a grey one, mine was black.
"Thanks," I said. "By the way, I never did learn your name."
She looks at me. "River,"she said dryly. "River Markens, now can we please get moving? We're losing daylight." She walked towards the door.
"It's only seven."
"Oh shut up." she grabbed the door handle and walked out. I grinned and zipped up my bag. I took the door handle and met River at the end of the alley. She had her hood up, and leaned up against the wall.
"Forgetting something?"
I must've looked confused.
"Your hood, genius."
"Oh." I propped up my hood and she lead me through the market area. We went past homes, and a fabric factory.

Finally, a mile or two away from the District center and the housing surrounding the center, was a field. At the end of the District border was a barbed wire fence. Like the one in Twelve. As we got closer I could see sparks coming off the wire. River went to a small metal box on the fence, she opened it and flipped a switch. The fence became dead.
"Go on," she waved her hand. "It should be fine."
I slid under the fence without any trouble, River followed behind me. She led me through the woods.
On our way to hopefully make a change.

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