Chapter 3

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"Madge!" I shut the door behind me. I go into the kitchen, expecting to see my pregnant wife. I look around, no one.
"Madge?" I call out again.
"In here, Peeta!" Her voice echoes through the giant house. I walk into the parlor, Madge has her hair up, wearing a minimal amount of makeup, and her favorite white dress. Someone sits next to her. An older man dressed in a white suit, and a white rose pinned to the pocket of his suit.
I frown.
"Hello, Mr. Mellark," His voice is raspy, he clears it. "Mrs. Mellark and I were just chatting. Weren't we?" He smiles over at Madge. She puts her hand on her stomach and smiles.
"Why did you come?" I lean against the doorway.
"I just wanted to deliver a present for the baby." he digs something out of the inside of his jacket. He reveals a rattle. It's white, and shaped as a rose. He hands it to Madge.
"It's lovely," she rubs her stomach. "Thank you."
"Why of course, anything for my favorite victor and his wife. Besides," he looks at me.
"I adore children."
Sick. That's all that comes to my mind. Madge frowns, she gives a small smile when Snow looks her way. Her hand doesn't leave her stomach, almost as if she's protecting the baby. Snow stands and bows a little to Madge.
"Thank you for having me over," he straightens his jacket. "I'll be on my way."
Madge tries to get up, her belly in the way.
"Sit," I tell her. "I'll show him out." she looks at me, her eyes tired, she nods. As I walk Snow to the door he whispers in my ear.
"It's not over, Mr.Mellark." he walks outside. "The worst has yet to come, but just remember," he smiles wickedly. "It's your discussion that makes it happen." and he walks away. I shut the door. I lean against it, blowing the hair out of my eyes. Madge stands in the door way.
"He's going to hurt it? Isn't he?" Her hands on her stomach. I walk to her. "Only if I start the rebellion." her eyes widen.
"Promise me," she whispers. "Promise me you just do what he says."
I don't respond.
"Peeta....Promise me." her eyes tear up. I go for the door handle, and walk out into the bitter spring air.

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