Chapter 19

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"Are you sure you want to tell him?"
Coin looked over at the screen. A blonde haired woman was struggling in her seat, screaming her head off. She yelled for one person.
"We have to at some point, besides we can use this for our advantage."
Haymitch looked at Coin and snorted, "How? They boy will be devastated."
"Which is exactly why we need to show this to him. If he sees what Snow is doing to Madge then he'll take his anger on him."
Haymitch fixes his eyes on the screen.
"And the baby?"
Coin folds her hands in her lap.
"Might as well."

• • •

I open the door and Haymitch and Coin are already there. They sit across from each other, looking tired and drained. I go to the chair that's closest to the door. I hope whatever they want to talk about goes fast, I want to go and talk to River.
"Peeta," Haymitch leans back into his chair. "There's something we have to tell you."
Coin fusses with a remote in her hand, she presses a button and the screen behind Haymitch comes to life. All that comes up is a blue screen.
"Well, more like something we have to show you."
They're stalling.
"What is it?" I snap. I was getting frustrated. What was so important that they they were stalling?
"It's about Madge." Coin says. Her grey hair is wrapped in a tight bun.
I haven't seen her in a year, and I left her with a child. Alone. Had Snow done something to her?
I hope not.
Oh God I really hope not. I may not love her, but she's still my friend, and I can't lose anymore. Coin pressed the button again, this time the screen changed it's image.
A girl dressed in a white dress, a girl with blonde hair that is so lifeless it looks like it belongs to the dead. Tears streak her face, she's screaming and wrestling in her chair.
She calls out a name.
My name.
I'm not sure what she's seeing, but I do know what they did to her. Tracker Jacker venom. When she had settled down the peacekeepers undid her straps and she fell to the floor. She was holding herself sobbing, a drop of blood running down her neck. Where they had injected it into her.
Coin turned the screen off. She looked at me with her dark eyes.
"Would you like to know what happened to the baby?"

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