Chapter 22

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I change into a black padded uniform, and Hatmitch escorts me to a hovercraft. Effie is waiting for me, along with River. Effie, with her head wrapped in grey cloth, pulls me into a hug.
"Please be careful! We've come this far, so don't blow it on a stupid bomb!" She smiles. Pun intended I suppose. I hug her one last time and walk over to River. She has her arms crossed, and her hair falls over her shoulders.
"Come back in one piece, alright Peet?" I nod and pull her into a quick hug. Her green eyes meet my blue ones. She's first to break the gaze by looking down. I give her a small kiss on the lips. Hers are warm against mine. I want to kiss her again, but I have to go. I pull away.
"Come on! We haven't got all day!" Hatmitch calls. River blushes and turns away.
I know I must've gotten a smile out of her. I smile all the way to the hovercraft.

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