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Humans, funnily enough, do not cope well with "goodbyes."

Tears fall, whether in the comfort of a silent room or in the agonizing sobs of a person departing from a loved one for the last time.
As far as mortal beings go, humans are designed for goodbyes... and yet they're still hurt nonetheless.

It's only human nature to hold on. It can be seen in the childhood-cherished stuffed animals one still won't let go of despite long being an adult now. It can be seen in the longing glances towards an old friend who simply no longer has the time to talk.

And, on this cloudy night, it could be seen in the pained, tearful gaze of a boy in his bedroom, taking a long look at a picture on his smartphone of himself and another boy...

Before immediately shutting the phone off and smashing it against the ground, its screen going blacker than night as the glass shattered.

Lee Felix sobbed into his own hands as he knelt down, carefully picking up the destroyed smartphone and setting it down on his bed stand.

"Goodbye," he thought towards it, even if not intending to.

The bag he wore couldn't have been more than a few pounds, and yet it weighed heavily on his back. Inside it were a few spare changes of clothes, a toothbrush, some light snacks, a wad of spare cash, and most importantly: a burner phone. A cheap, prepaid flip phone that would soon replace the device he'd smashed to bits just a moment prior.

Felix knew he was as prepared now as he would ever be. He wiped his tear-stricken cheeks with the sleeve of his hoodie, staring at a Polaroid taped up on his wall of his two best friends.

"Chan, Jisung..." Felix whispered mostly to himself as he wandered over to his wall. "I hope you guys won't miss me too much," he spoke with a sad smile, ripping the picture down from his wall and shoving it into his backpack.

Earlier that day at school, Felix had made sure to hug both of them at least once. And although both had seemed a little confused about it at the time, he knew that once he was gone... they would understand why.

A quick glance at the clock told Felix it was time to go. It was nearing the dead of the night, and it was the perfect time to leave without being seen.

He shoved open his window, sending one quick glance back at his room to make sure he'd remembered everything.

His old stuffed animals begged him not to leave from the corner. A picture of his mother sat on the desk, her bright smile unaware of what her son was about to do. Even his posters on the wall seemed sad, knowing that the one who cherished them was now climbing out the window, with no intent of returning.

Yet Felix set his resolve. He jumped out into the dark, unforgiving night, shutting out his home life alongside the window of his room.

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