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Light rain pattered against the building, a calm yet steady presence to distract Felix from his thoughts.

The time was rather late at night, around eleven or so, if Felix had to guess. With nothing particularly interesting to do, as he'd already finished the manga he'd gotten two days prior, he laid down on the couch, trying to take a nap despite not being tired.

Hyunjin had been gone for a few hours, and Felix almost would've found it weird had the boy not been used to it by now. The elder would often disappear for hours on end, whether to get a new book, fill his car with gas, or do whatever he needed done. Felix didn't bother to question him every time.

It wasn't for another twenty minutes or so that the door to the motel room swung open, a tall boy stepping into the room carrying multiple items in his arms.

"Feliiiix," the dark haired boy called out as he kicked the door shut with his heel, dumping what appeared to be a large brown briefcase on the kitchen table along with a few bagged items.
"You better be awake, I've got something to show you~"

Felix sat up, staring at the items across the room with a mild interest as Hyunjin took off his jacket, shaking some of the rain off of himself.

"Where have you been?" Felix asked for probably the first time ever, genuinely wondering this time what he'd been up to.

Hyunjin only gave him a vague smile.
"Come here, I think you'll wanna see this."

Felix gave him a wary look before standing and padding over towards him, placing a hand gingerly on the briefcase-looking item.

"Open it," Hyunjin encouraged, and Felix did so, lifting the lid to reveal a strange looking mechanism. It displayed multiple knobs and buttons, had a large empty circular space, and a sort of metal arm connected to a small needle.

Felix furrowed his eyebrows.
"Is this a..."

"Yep!" Hyunjin cut him off excitedly, before he could even answer. "It's a record player. And look what I got for free with it!" he said, reaching into one of the large bags he'd brought. He pulled out a stack of large, paper album sleeves, each one presumably containing a vinyl record inside.

Felix glanced between all of the items. "How much did this cost? And... why?"

Hyunjin didn't give an answer, instead holding the stack of vinyl sleeves in his hands.
"Give me a number from one to ten," he said, Felix rolling his eyes at the usual game.

"Five," Felix responded, and Hyunjin pulled the fifth album out from the middle of the stack, gently slipping out the record itself and placing it onto the turntable.

He couldn't help but poke at the multiple buttons and knobs on the thing, wondering what each did. Felix had always found record players kind of cool, but had never gotten the chance to use one.

Hyunjin apparently had finished setting it up as he placed the needle down on the record, before switching it on.

The sound of an old slow song began to play, its soft instrumentals bringing a smile to Hyunjin's face.
"I always loved this song," he admitted. "It's probably my favorite one to dance to."

Felix listened to the tune for a moment, hearing the singer join in on the track, a famous one who he'd definitely heard before but didn't know the name of.

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