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The more he saw and heard, the more Felix truly understood just how wide the gap between the ultra rich and the middle class was.

"Umm, this can't be it. Right?" Felix had questioned as Hyunjin pulled their car into the driveway of what looked like more of a resort than a "beach house," as he'd called it.

Hyunjin only gave the younger a funny look as they got out, as if not understanding what he was on about.
"Huh? Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Felix insisted, too distracted staring at the building to even take out his bags, like Hyunjin was doing. "It's just that... it's so..."

He couldn't even put it into words. The boho styled building appeared to have two floors, a multitude of rooms, and Felix swore to god he could see the edge of a swimming pool out back.

"Well, yeah?" Hyunjin handed Felix's bags to him instead and slammed the trunk. "It's a beach house. What were you expecting?"

Not this. Definitely not this, Felix had thought. Damn rich people and their huge mansion-looking houses. If the elder didn't seem fazed at all by this, Felix was almost scared to ask what his regular house looked like.

After an hour or so, when they were finally done dragging their bags and a few food items inside, Felix sat down on the hardwood floor in the middle of the large living room. It was a rather nicely decorated space, but it was hell to lug their personal belongings into the upstairs bedrooms, and he was overwhelmingly tired.

Hyunjin, who'd been digging through the kitchen cabinets in order to scope out what was already available to them, took notice of the smaller boy sitting on the floor. He wandered over with a light and amused smile.

"Couch too expensive for you?" Hyunjin said jokingly, taking a seat next to Felix.

"No," Felix replied, monotone. "Sometimes people just feel like being on the floor," he continued, laying down and feeling the cold of the untouched wood against his back.

The elder boy giggled at this, eyes trained on the other's actions. "Suit yourself," he commented. "I was raised with proper manners. Which means not laying on the floor around guests," he spoke teasingly.

Felix gave him a gentle glare. "Yeah, okay, your highness. You'd join me on the floor if you were any fun."

A small grin painted itself across Hyunjin's face as he carefully lay down next to the shorter boy, giving him a flick on the shoulder just because. "Happy? You've made me a disgrace to my lineage by having me do this," he asked with a mischievous tone, totally joking.

"You already renounced your lineage when you ran away," Felix responded. "Fuck them etiquette classes."

"Ahh, you have such a lovely way with words," Hyunjin said with a mix of sweetness and sarcasm, making the younger hold back his laughter.

The same lazy smile remained on his face as he reached over, twirling a lock of Felix's hair for a moment.
"Say goodbye to this color. You'll be blonde soon," he commented in an almost ominous way.

"Don't remind me," he whined. "We better not screw it up, I'm not ready to go bald."

"I promise I won't make you bald," Hyunjin stated determinedly. "I researched how to use bleach just for this. I watched so many YouTube videos."

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