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Chan ran a hand through his dark hair as he waited at the doorstep of a small house, tapping his feet anxiously.

The Australian boy currently found himself at the Lee household, residence of his adorkable best friend Felix. This time, however, was unlike any other— it was rather strange, in fact, considering the reasons why he was there in the first place.

The door to the household swung open, and Chan was greeted with the sight of Felix's father.

"Oh, finally, you're here! Come in, we've been waiting for you," the middle aged man, who likely had been quite similar in appearance to his son back in his prime, ushered Chan to come inside.

"Honey!" the father called out into the house, obviously beckoning his wife. "Chan's here!"

Chan took off his shoes in the entryway as he had a hundred times before, smiling at a few family photos posted up on the wall, him included in the bunch. It wasn't hard to see how much Felix's parents had adored their son's best friend— they treated him almost as if he were one of their own.

Yet, with Felix having vanished into thin air... Chan had never really given much thought to how that relationship would change for the better or worse.

Despite that, earlier that day he'd received a phone call from the parents, inviting him over. So here he was, making his way into their family's living room.

"Hey there, kid," the mother sat on the couch, bearing a kind and loving smile. One thing was for sure: Felix had definitely inherited that from his mom.

"Hi..." Chan greeted them positively, yet his confusion at the situation was probably quite obvious. He lingered awkwardly in the doorway as the father took a seat on the couch next to his wife, beckoning for Chan to sit anywhere he liked.

He chose a seat across from the pair, and sat, hands together as he waited for them to say what they desired.

"So, Channie," the mother began speaking, her voice soft. "As you know, it's been... a little while, since our son... left us."

That makes it sound like he's dead, Chan thought bitterly, yet the boy nodded anyway.

"We were just thinking that," the mother glanced at the side towards her husband. "If he... really doesn't come back, we want you to have his things. He probably would've wanted it that way."

Chan stared at the couple, wide eyed. What? Were they being serious right now?

"I, uh—" Chan stuttered out, a bit shocked. "I mean, I'm thankful, but... don't you think it's a bit soon?"

"We just thought it best to discuss with you early on," the mother continued. "Besides, we had something to give to you anyway. Let me get it for you..." she offered, slowly pushing herself up from the couch.

"Oh, honey—" Felix's father's expression flashed with concern as his wife faltered for a moment, taking a second to gain her balance upon standing. "I can get it for you, you should sit down."

"No," the woman snapped. "I'm fine. I can get it myself." She steadied herself with a hand against the wall as she slowly walked out of the living room and down the hall, disappearing off to wherever.

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