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Felix awoke to the scent of hot tea, and the dull sounds of cars nearby rattling through the streets.

He had no idea what time it was, and as he sluggishly tried to sit upright, he realized that he was still wearing last night's clothes. Blurry memories of staying up dancing until the early morning hours filtered through his head.

Upon glancing around, he took notice of his long haired roommate, Hyunjin, sitting at their dining table. A cup of hot tea sat next to him, and the boy held a book in his hands (as usual) while flipping the page every so often.

Felix must've made a little noise, because the elder glanced over at him.

"Morning, birthday boy," he greeted, before turning his attention back to his novel.

Felix, still sluggish and wishing he were asleep, only nodded in reply to this as he stood up from the couch. He wandered over towards the table, plopping down in the seat across from the elder.

"What time—"

"Five in the afternoon," Hyunjin responded without looking up from the page he was on.

A short silence ensued. Felix watched the other boy read for a moment, wondering why he suddenly felt like something was off. Hyunjin's expression stayed blank, obviously focused on the book more than anything else.

"So... how's the novel?" Felix asked after a moment, not liking how quiet it was.

Hyunjin glanced up for a moment.

"Oh, nothing," Felix responded on instinct, suddenly feeling a little bad for distracting him. "Just wanted to know how the book is going..."

No response came.

Now, Felix was really wondering what was up. Had he done something? Normally the other boy was always eager to rant way too much about the plot points of any book he was reading.

"Um, hey, Hyunjin, is something wro—" Felix stopped talking as Hyunjin instantly shut his book and placed it down on the table.

"You know, Felix, it occurs to me that I still have no idea why you're here," Hyunjin began, giving a light smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Felix stared at him for a moment.
"What... like here here? Didn't you say I should come with you...?" he recalled, confused at what he interpreted to be anger from the elder boy.

"No, I mean at all," Hyunjin continued. "Running away in the first place."

Felix paused at this. "I don't... really wanna talk about it."

"Fine, whatever," the elder played with the sleeves of his own hoodie. "But just for the record, it would be kinda nice if you actually told me things."

Felix furrowed his eyebrows, now incredibly confused as to whatever the boy was pissed about.
"What? What am I supposed to have told you? You've seen everything I've done for over a month, right?"

Hyunjin held the younger's gaze for a long moment, as if searching for any hint that Felix was just fucking with him.

"You really keep to yourself, you know that?" the boy ran a hand through his dark hair. "I've been practically dumping my whole life and memories on you this whole time, and I can't name a single thing about you that's not personality related."

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