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The radio played softly, and Felix lightly sipped on a slushie purchased from a drive through restaurant.

A gorgeous stranger sat in the seat next to him, the one who had purchased the drink, along with a baggie of fries (as promised) which sat in between the two.
They were currently stopped in a parking lot, having gotten the food only a couple minute prior.

The long haired boy took and ate a fry, switching through radio stations to lessen the silence of the car.

"So, Felix," the stranger spoke, saying the other boy's name for the first time.

Felix's attention was piqued instantly at this.
"Yeah?" he questioned, finding it rather startling to hear his name come out of the boy's mouth.

"Are you like... in high school? Or what?" he questioned, leaning back against the headrest as he took a sip of his own drink.

Felix nodded. "Yeah! Or, well, I was anyway. I haven't been since I left home."

The other hummed in response.
"I dropped out. I'll go to college when I'm old enough and stable," he explained, Felix listening intently.

"I'm still stressed over missing schoolwork, even though I know I won't be going back," Felix commented, lightly laughing at himself.

"Oh god, right?" the other boy agreed. "It took me months to stop having nightmares about missing essays and shit."

"Why'd you even run away?" Felix asked lightheartedly, genuinely interested in the reason.

The stranger pursed his lips.
"If I told you, you'd probably think I'm crazy."

"Oh, come on,"
Felix urged him.
"Try me."

The stranger crossed his legs, before speaking hesitantly.
"I think my family is trying to kill me."

Felix blinked.

"Yeah, see? I told you it sounds crazy," the stranger sighed, taking a couple more fries and popping them into his mouth.
"But I swear to god, they are."

"Why... what makes you say that?" Felix stuttered out, surprised at the whole notion of it.

"I was constantly sick for like a whole month and didn't know why," the boy elaborated. "So I stopped eating anything my parents gave me, and suddenly I was fine?"

"Hm," Felix agreed. "Yeah, that's weird. But like, why would they even want to do that?"

"I dunno. All I know is that they were doing it," the boy continued. "And now that I'm gone, they've even sent private detectives after my ass."

Felix silently took another sip of his drink as he thought about the situation. Thankfully his family was nothing like that. He didn't even think his parents could afford private detectives.

"Ah, shit, here comes some police patrol car," the stranger spoke as he saw a vehicle pull into the parking lot they were in.
"I'm not in the mood to deal with that, let's go."

Felix almost questioned it, momentarily forgetting the fact that the two of them were technically fugitives.
Within a moment they were driving out of the parking lot, Felix still calmly eating his fries as he looked out the window.

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