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The muffled sounds of chatter through the walls of the house were not much of a bother to Han Jisung... as the boy's attention was fully taken by more important things.

It was rather late at night, the sky dark and shadowed by cascading sheets of rainfall. Not that Jisung particularly cared about that— he couldn't see the window from where he was anyway.

Well, to be completely honest, he couldn't see much of anything besides the face of Minho, tantalizingly close above him, staring him down with the same look a starving wolf might give to an injured elk.

Let's just say that some rather interesting developments had happened between the two since that fateful day at lunch.

"Ah, Minho," he tried to grab the other's attention. "Don't you think thAT... HEY—" Jisung almost swore in surprise as Minho buried his face into the crook of his neck, nuzzling him affectionately.

"Mm, what?" Minho asked, planting a little kiss below Jisung's jawline.

"Your parents..." Jisung glanced towards the door of Minho's bedroom. "They have people over right now. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Minho rolled his eyes at this. "It's just my best friend's aunt and uncle. They're practically family, so they don't care. Plus they're just talking about wealthy business crap," he stated matter-of-factly.

Jisung sighed. "Fuck rich people..." he mumbled, only making the other boy laugh.

"I mean, if you really want to..." Minho said with a stupid smirk, and Jisung promptly hit his shoulder in return.

It was honestly still surreal to Jisung that this was even happening. He could only imagine how excited Felix would be for him right now... he'd always been the best hypeman anyone could ask for.

A dull feeling of sadness washed over him at the thought. As expected, he wasn't really over the whole thing yet. He did still like to be optimistic that one day, Felix would show up to school as usual, and they would cry and hug and have a ton of things to catch up on.

Optimism could only take him so far, however, and each morning proved that hope wrong over and over again.

He didn't want to think about it much if he didn't have to.

"Hey, baby," Jisung laid his hand on the back of Minho's neck, grabbing his full attention. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom and then get a drink real quick, okay?"

"Sure," Minho smiled. "Come back quickly."

He leaned down to give Jisung a little kiss on the lips before rolling off of him, freeing Jisung to get up and go wherever he wanted.

Minho's house was, to put it lightly, distressingly large. Jisung had been there a few times by now, but still barely had any grasp of where certain rooms were located.

So, after wandering around for a few minutes, he found himself outside of the dining room, hearing the chatter of numerous older adults through the entranceway.

"Really, I think you should send someone to check it out," the warm voice of a woman resounded: Jisung knew her to be Minho's mother, who he'd met before.

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