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The sound of a microwave beeping pierced through the silent room, waking up a small boy who had been fast asleep on the couch.

"God..." Felix groaned as his consciousness came to him, still groggy from sleep. He struggled to turn over and open his eyes, wondering what the noise was that had woken him up.

He took in the blurry view of a tall figure standing near the microwave of the kitchenette, opening it and taking out something in a small bowl.


Felix had been staying at this motel room for about three days now, as its owner, Hyunjin, was kind enough to offer the other boy his couch to sleep on.
Naturally Felix was incredibly grateful for the roof over his head, and although the taller boy was somewhat reserved, he certainly wasn't bad company at all.

"Hyunjin..." Felix mumbled as he sat up, yawning. "What is that...?"

"Instant rice," the boy in the kitchen called back, his dark hair pinned back and out of his face with bobby-pins.

He padded across the room with the bowl and a spoon, taking a seat on the couch next to the sleepy younger boy. Felix, barely sitting upright with his blanket wrapped around his shoulders, didn't have the energy in him yet to ask for any food.

Hyunjin silently ate his microwaved rice— which Felix doubted could be very good in the first place— and reached for the television remote, turning the old motel TV on with the press of a button.

"What time is it?" Felix asked, closing his eyes again as he leaned back against the couch.

"It's like 9:00 AM," Hyunjin answered as he flicked through the different television channels. "You can go back to sleep if you want. It's still early."

"You're sitting on my couch," Felix responded in a tired monotone.

Hyunjin completely ignored this comment, continuing to enjoy his food without a word.
He finally settled on some animal themed channel, which was playing some program akin to a dog show.

"The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the largest of the toy dog breeds..." some announcer spoke from the television, an older sounding man with a strong British accent.

Felix opened his eyes to peek at the screen, suddenly interested. A cute little brown and white dog pranced around on camera, its owner praising it.

He subconsciously smiled. The little creature looked exactly like his best friend Chan's dog, a tiny spaniel named Berry.

Hyunjin took notice of the little grin on Felix's face.
"You like dogs?" he inquired, chewing on a spoonful of rice as he watched the younger.

Felix kept his eyes on the screen as he responded.
"Yeah, who doesn't like them?"

"True," Hyunjin nodded, watching the show as well. Another breed walked on screen, with information on the pup being displayed.

"I miss mine a lot," Hyunjin admitted rather quietly, poking at his food with the spoon.

This grabbed Felix's attention, and he looked over at Hyunjin questioningly.
"You have a dog?"

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