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Felix had never been woken up so abruptly in his life.

The poor guy was practically ripped out of bed, barely conscious, and had no idea what was happening even by the time he was standing on his own two feet.

"It's getting late!" the blurry form of Hyunjin, shouting, came into view, hurriedly throwing a pair of shoes on. "Hurry up!"

"What...?" Felix rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the harsh daylight of the room. "It's getting late for what?"

"The beach, obviously," Hyunjin shot him a look. "According to the news it's going to rain in less than an hour. If we want to have literally any beach time, we've gotta go now."

"Oh... yeah, right," Felix glanced around the room to take in his surroundings. "Are you... are you just gonna change here—?" Felix stopped speaking abruptly as Hyunjin pulled his sweatshirt off and over his head, before tossing it to the side.

"It's called hurrying. You need to put on some clothes you don't mind getting sand on," Hyunjin advised, slipping a t-shirt onto his body before Felix even had time to process the split second of bare torso that he'd just been subjected to seeing.

"I..." Felix trailed off, glancing towards his suitcase of clothes. "Okay. I'll change, but get out first."

Hyunjin took a brief moment to pout at him.
"What, you shy? After all we've been through?"

Felix only gave him a pleading look, to which Hyunjin laughed.

"Okay. But you better be downstairs in two minutes, maximum," the elder commanded, pointing at him sternly.

"Yes, yes, I got it," Felix shooed the other boy out the door with his hands. "I'll be really fast."

As soon as the door was locked and Felix was alone in the room, he took a moment to simply breathe, and enjoy a feeling of peace even for a split second.

Begrudgingly almost, he dug out a loose t-shirt and a pair of shorts from his suitcase and slipped them on. The casual clothes he'd packed for sleeping were now being used for the beach, funnily enough. If you'd tried to tell Felix that back when he'd first ran away, he would've called you crazy.

Not wanting to get killed by his housemate, Felix hurried downstairs as soon as he'd finished changing.

"Come on, come on!" Hyunjin grabbed the younger by the wrist and pulled him out the back door the instant he saw him.

Looking towards the sky, Felix spotted darker clouds looming in the distance that had not yet arrived. That meant the weather forecast had likely been correct, at least.

"I'll race you to the water," Hyunjin stated with a mischievous smile. Felix didn't even have time to answer before the older boy took off running, leaving him behind at the edge of the sand.

"Hey!" Felix just yelled, too tired for this. Yet after a moment of inner conflict, he ran towards the water as well, deciding to play along.

The ocean's waves were rather calm at this hour, and the water level seemed to sway back and forth where the damp sand gave way to open sea. Tiny seashells dotted that area of overlap, and Hyunjin bent down to pick one up, turning it over in his fingers.

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