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Loud chatting and banter filled the lively spaces of the common area, Sookyung standing near the entryway with a lingering grin on her face.

It was about midday. Practically everyone had been called to meet up in the main room for some reason unbeknownst to them, having been ushered that morning out from their comfortable beds and compelled to attend this mandatory gathering.

Absolutely no one knew what was going on— especially not Felix, who was quite frankly, still half asleep, and had been dragged out that morning by his near-equally tired boyfriend.

They'd stayed up late last night for certain reasons. It was totally their fault, sadly.

Rumors circulated throughout the room as to what could be going on, but this sleepy couple were barely even aware enough to care. Hyunjin was just eyeing the coffee machine in the distance, wondering if he had time to get a cup before whatever was going to happen... well, happened. Felix simply stood in a daze, still yearning for the blankets he'd been ripped from.

Once the room was beginning to look overcrowded, Sookyung dragged a wooden chair towards the center of the room. She climbed on top of it, as if it were a little personal platform, and began to survey her surroundings, or so it seemed.

Felix caught sight of Doyeon from across the room, turning and sharing an excited looking glance with her shorter girlfriend. His eyes drifted down to land on their hands, clasped together as Doyeon gave Yoojung's hand a squeeze.

He briefly wondered what they looked so happy for this early in the morning, but stopped as he made eye contact with Yoojung from across the room.

A bright smile washed across her face, and she began walking forward, rushing towards him at a surprisingly quick pace.

"Ah, shit," Felix muttered, catching the attention of the taller boy next to him. As much as he loved Yoojung—he was actually starting to consider her as quite a good friend—he'd only gotten a tiny amount of sleep, and his conversation skills would be subpar at best.

"What?" Hyunjin whispered back, but didn't get an answer. Yoojung planted her feet directly in front of the two of them, waving a small hand excitedly as a sort of greeting.

"Morning, Yoojung," Felix spoke, then turned his gaze towards her taller girlfriend whom she'd dragged over. "Hey Doyeon."

She gave him a warm smile, and being the quieter of the two, just said a "hey" back.

Yoojung glanced around, as if afraid to be heard. "Did Sookyung tell you?" she asked, her voice almost bursting with restrained energy.

"Uhh, no?" Felix raised an eyebrow at this. "Tell me what?"

"We're—!" Yoojung's excited voice was cut off by her girlfriend's hand covering her mouth, muffling the remnants of her words.

"Shh, let Sookyung say it if they don't know yet," Doyeon reminded her gently, to which she only received a pout in return.

"But...!" Yoojung whined, and only shut up when the taller girl brought their linked hands up and left a little kiss on the back of hers.

Felix turned to share a glance with Hyunjin, both sending the other a look that said they had no idea what the two were on about.

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