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The rain continued as the skies became dark, with no sign of relenting as hours passed.

The time at the warm cabin house was late evening, and only two occupants resided in the main living space.

The two in question were Hyunjin and Felix, who'd taken up space on the carpet of the floor.
Hyunjin sat criss crossed and fidgeted with the edges of his sleeves absentmindedly, while the blonde boy, kneeling behind him, expertly toyed with the elder's dark hair, pinning it back in certain places with small butterfly clips which the two had found earlier in the day.

"Clip," Felix stated simply, holding out his right hand. Hyunjin reached down into a small box on the floor, pulling out a pink butterfly clip and placing it back into Felix's palm.

"Are you almost done?" Hyunjin questioned, feeling the tug of yet another pinned back section of hair.

"I've been done for ages," Felix spoke with a content sigh. "This is just fun."

"Liiixx," the elder whined, turning around to face him. "I'm gonna look so stupid with all these on."

"No!" Felix insisted, despite the disbelieving look he was being given.
"You look good. You pull them off well."

"You're lying to make me feel better," Hyunjin gave him a halfhearted smile.
"I know damn well you're too nice to say otherwise."

"I'm not!" the blonde argued, feeling himself start to lose the battle.
"I mean it. You look pretty when you have those on."

Felix held eye contact with the other for a second, feeling his face heat up slightly in embarrassment.
"I mean. Not that you don't look pretty the rest of the time. You know? I'm just saying. You don't look bad. It's not like—"

"God, I get it," Hyunjin gave a light laugh. "I know what you meant, cutie. You don't have to explain yourself."

Hyunjin turned back around to face the other way, leaving Felix in a state of momentary shock. The younger knew he should be getting used to it at this point, but every little pet name or compliment the elder used for him gave him a sense of unexpected giddiness.

"You can keep going if you want," Hyunjin said, picking up another clip and holding it back over his shoulder.
"It's not like we have anything else to do."

"I think I've run out of space," Felix spoke in a voice that were one not able to see him, they could still tell he wore a soft smile upon his face.

"It's my turn then," Hyunjin spun his body around to face the younger, startling the boy just a little.

"Your turn to what?"

With no warning, Hyunjin reached up towards Felix's face, and the younger slightly flinched as he hadn't been anticipating the gesture.

"No?" Hyunjin asked as he saw the other boy shy away from his hand, which Felix now noticed held the butterfly clip in its fingers.

"Oh—" was all Felix said, before promptly realizing what he was denying. "Yes! Of course you can, I just wasn't expecting it..."

Hyunjin gave him a warm grin at this, and leaned forward, gently taking one of the boy's blonde locks and pinning it to the side with the little clip.

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