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Lunch had never been so nerve wracking for Han Jisung before this moment.

It was an average school day for the boy, in general. He'd survived his first few classes, napped a little bit in between, and now had finally dragged himself over to lunch, where he'd expected to meet up with Chan as usual.

However, quite unfortunately for Jisung, Chan had decided that today was optimal for retaking an exam, and thus the orange-haired boy was left with the terrifying realization that he only had one option left...

That's why he was now sat across the lunch table from a smiling Lee Minho, said boy humming quietly to himself as he set out his lunch on the table. If Jisung wasn't busy being scared shitless, he would've taken note of the cartoon cat stickers all over Minho's water bottle and phone case, or the way he had everything neatly stored in a bento box.

"Sooo, Jisungie, how'd you do on our practice problems this morning?" Minho spoke with a happy tone, somewhat sounding like a heavily restrained excitement.
Once again, Jisung thought this over-friendliness was kinda weird, but hell, he wasn't about to take this blessing for granted.

"Um. They were kinda... difficult, I guess?" Jisung responded, thinking that classwork was the absolute most boring topic one could ever choose to discuss.

Minho nodded understandingly as he picked up a grape and popped it into his mouth.
"You wanna know a secret?" he spoke after a second.

Jisung stared at him for a moment.

"The key for it is online," Minho admitted casually as he poked at his food with his chopsticks.
"I got all the answers from the textbook's website."

Jisung couldn't help but lightly gasp at this.
"Wow, okay. Cheater," he responded somewhat teasingly.

Minho broke out into a pretty grin at this, which instantly left Jisung panicking at the realization of how he'd responded. Jisung swore to god, Minho better not start to believe he was actually comfortable talking to him just yet, because the comment had truly been a random moment of divine intervention.

"Hey, Minho—?" the voice of another student grabbed the attention of both. A boy around their age stood next to the table, giving Minho a weird look.

Minho stared blankly up at the other boy.
"Yeah? What is it?" he questioned.

"Could you ask your driver to take me somewhere today after school?" the boy asked, playing with his chestnut brown hair.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Minho replied, his expression flashing with annoyance. "You couldn't have texted me that, Seungmin?"

"You weren't checking your phone," the standing boy responded.

Jisung squirmed in his seat as he watched the two converse. Somehow he felt incredibly like some sort of third wheel, or an intruder at the very least.
Minho seemed to notice this after a moment, and gave Seungmin a brief signal to leave.

"Sorry," Minho apologized with a smile as the other boy scurried off.
"As I was saying~" the boy spoke sort of cutely as he continued on talking, emphasizing his words with his hands.

Minho talked about this and that for a good while, Jisung still too shy and awkward to say much in reply other than the occasional nod or agreement. Thankfully the boy didn't seem to mind much and kept chattering, reminding Jisung of why the boy was popular in the first place. He was known for being quite sociable, and seeing it now only solidified this trait in Jisung's mind.

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