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"So, what exactly is that abomination you're making?" Hyunjin asked, a look of utmost concern gracing his expression.

It was rather late at night... or early in the morning, if one were to look at it another way. Hyunjin had recently come back from one of his shopping (read: stealing) trips with some more interesting items such as sprinkles and jam.

To Felix, this was a sign from the heavens. He knew exactly what food item he was going to create and force feed to the other boy as soon as he'd seen it.

"Mm, you'll see!" Felix spoke with a mischievous grin, standing at the kitchen counter and setting out a plate.

Hyunjin, who sat watching the other boy from the nearby table, only shook his head in amusement. Something about Felix just made him incredibly difficult to be annoyed with.

Felix grabbed a slice of bread from a loaf on the counter and set it on the plate. As one could expect, he took a small knife and dipped it in the container of butter as to spread it on the white bread.

"Toast?" Hyunjin called out, coming to the logical conclusion. "You're just making toast!"

The younger only hummed in satisfaction as he picked up the container of rainbow sprinkles and dumped it onto the buttered toast.

Hyunjin was so offended by this, he stood up from the table.
"Hello? What the fuck are you doing?" he blurted out, gesturing wildly towards the creation on the plate.

Felix didn't respond to this, instead repeating the process as to create another identical slice. Happy with himself, he padded over to the table and set the dish down in front of the other boy.

"Try it," Felix encouraged, a grin on his face which Hyunjin couldn't determine to be evil or kind.

"You're not kidding...?" Hyunjin questioned, picking up a slice and simply observing it for a moment. The confusion was clearly evident on his face, because the younger grabbed the second slice after a moment and took a bite out of it as if to prove it were safe.

Hyunjin let out a small sigh before giving in, and taking a small bite out of the corner of the strange colorful item.

"Oh—" he murmured after a moment or two, processing what exactly he was tasting. It was rather sweet, and the texture wasn't as strange as he'd been expecting. All in all, it tasted exactly how it looked like it would.
"This is kinda good...?" he decided.

"Yeah. Welcome to Australia, you just ate fairy bread," Felix announced, taking a seat next to the other.

Hyunjin laughed a little at this. "Fairy bread? That name is kinda, uhhhh—"


"Nothing," Hyunjin replied, taking another tentative bite from the dessert-like thing. "You guys eat this?"

"No," Felix answered way too quickly, but stopped to laugh as he saw the confused look on Hyunjin's face. "Well, kinda. It's really just a thing for like... kids' parties."

"Oh, nice. Children's food. Remind me to make you some applesauce tomorrow."

"Shut up," Felix murmured despite the grin on his face, elbowing the other boy in the side.

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