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When the sun doesn't rise above grey skies, hours of the day can pass by in the blink of an eye.

Hyunjin had woken up around midday, having slept in after staying up incredibly late the night before. Much to his personal enjoyment, he'd awoken to the coverage of warm white blankets draped across him, and a source of heat clinging onto his body.
At some point during the night Felix must've gotten a little cold, because the boy's arms were wrapped tight around Hyunjin's waist.

That little moment of satisfaction didn't last long, sadly, because soon an intruder by the name of Jeongin came barging into the pair's room, cringing to himself as he saw their close position in bed together.

"Eww, lovebirds," Jeongin had said half jokingly as Hyunjin sent him a glare. "Wake him up yourself and come find me... I have news for you both."

By the time an hour had passed, Hyunjin had successfully done so, and dragged the still groggy blonde across the house to Jeongin's room despite multiple pleas of protest.

The good news? Jeongin had found a place for them, only about an hour's drive away.

The bad news? If they wanted to get there early enough, that meant they had to eat and get ready and leave almost immediately.

So, with a rushed breakfast (lunch?) meal, and bearing a few articles of clothing which Jeongin had so kindly donated, the pair had hightailed it out to their car.

After a hasty, borderline-emotional goodbye to the Yang family, the open roads welcomed them once again, their journey continuing on.

The radio was cranked up to a horrendously loud volume, and Hyunjin didn't even seem to care, because a Twice song was blasting and Felix seemed to be having the time of his life doing the hand motions to the choreography in the passengers' seat.

"Do you think this place is actually gonna work out?" Hyunjin yelled over the loud volume of the music, knowing that they'd been driving for a while now.

Felix couldn't even hear the words over the sheer intensity of the noise.

"DO YOU THINK— Fuck!" Hyunjin, exasperated, yanked the volume knob all the way down. "This place! Do you think it'll suck ass or be great?"

"I dunno!" Felix responded, "But if Jeongin recommended it I hope it'll be good!"

Following this statement, Felix immediately turned the volume back up, not wanting to miss out on any Twice tracks that were playing. If he could tolerate hours of Hyunjin's Got7 playlists, he felt that Hyunjin could tolerate this in return.

The elder only shook his head in amusement at that behavior.

"Jeongin gave me his number, y'know," Hyunjin commented offhandedly as he drove.

Instantly a small hand was on the radio's volume knob to shut it off.

"He what?"

"Yeah," Hyunjin elaborated. "He said to call him if one of us ever desperately needed anything or if we were about to die. Shit like that."

"Ohh," Felix slumped back in his seat, arms crossed. "You made it sound like... ah, never mind. It's not like either of us have a phone anyway."

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