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Puppies had never really been Minho's thing, to be honest.

He was one hundred and ten percent a cat person. Sure, he didn't mind dogs that much, it was just... all the noise, and fur, and licking that really bothered him.

Yet, here Lee Minho was anyway, a small chihuahua in his arms, carrying the squirmy little thing over to the bowl of food he'd poured for it in his room.

"Come on, Kkami," Minho gently sat the little creature in front of its food bowl. "I'll give you a treat if you finish eating fast," he bargained with it, as if the dog could even understand him.

This was his best friend Hyunjin's dog, of course... not his own. For some horrible reason Hyunjin had decided to leave his most precious baby within his best friend's care, despite knowing he was the complete opposite of a dog person. So Minho took care of the thing, eagerly awaiting the day in which he would be freed from that responsibility.

The sound of a door opening in the distance briefly caught the boy's attention, but he didn't think much of it. His family had people coming and going all the time, whether it was for business or personal relations. Whoever it was entering the house definitely wasn't his problem.

And yet, it soon became his problem as he heard his mother's voice shouting his name from a distance, trying to get his attention.

"What?!" Minho yelled back after faintly hearing his name called about three times in a row.

"The Hwangs have brought something for you to see!"

"I'm feeding the dog! Just have someone bring it up!" Minho answered, although a dim curiosity was ignited as to what the items could be.

While waiting, Minho took a seat on the floor next to the feasting chihuahua, watching over it for a moment and sighing, wondering why exactly his best friend had been so obsessed with the little rascal.

After a few minutes, a gentle knock came at his door, to which Minho responded with a loud "come in!"

The door opened to reveal one of the family's maids, pulling what appeared to be a couple of ordinary looking suitcases behind her.

"The Hwang family dropped these off just now. They said they found them in the room you usually stay at in their vacation home, so they thought these might belong to you," the lady explained, dragging the luggage into the bedroom and pushing them towards the boy.

Minho gave her a wary look. "Are they sure these are mine?" he questioned, not recognizing either of the items.

"They said you and your parents were the last people to visit that place. If it's not yours, I can inform them, if you'd like?" the servant continued, and Minho just pursed his lips as he thought for a moment.

Had he left any items behind the last time he'd stayed there? Embarrassingly, it's not like that sort of behavior was out of the ordinary for Minho... he was rather frivolous with his belongings, after all. Somehow the idea of leaving an entire suitcase behind, of all things, couldn't be discounted entirely.

"Let me look at the inside," Minho ran a hand through his hair as he moved to kneel next to one of the bags.
"I'll know after seeing what's in it."

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