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Thunder crashed.
A flash of lightning illuminated the large windows of the house, a rude interruption to the dark night sky.

Felix laid in his bed, silent and bored. The boy had been trying to go to sleep for the past hour or so, but couldn't for the harsh and unforgiving sounds of the pouring rain outside. He quietly flipped through an old manga from the library which he'd already read, lights in his room on despite the unusual hour.

It hadn't rained this hard in a good while, so Felix didn't mind it that much. During a school night, the lack of sleep would've bothered him... but that no longer mattered, for obvious reasons.

He wondered, ever so briefly, if it were also raining back home. If Jisung or Chan too sat awake in their beds, cursing the fact they would still have to awaken early the next day and walk to school in the mud.

Felix had no idea what it was, but recently, thoughts of the pair he'd left behind surfaced more often. Whenever he was alone at night, he'd wonder how they were, and if they had eaten yet, or if they were sleeping well.

A tremendous bang erupted from outside the walls of his room, a lightning strike closer than most. Felix thought nothing of it— a few of those had happened already.

And yet at once, the lights in his room flickered, then shut completely off.

Felix glanced towards the ceiling lights in surprise, his brain taking a moment to grasp the idea that he had now been submerged entirely in darkness.

"Hey, Hyunjin!" Felix called out towards the hallway as he sat upright, concerned.

"Yeah, I know!" came Hyunjin's voice in reply from down the hallway. "The power just went out. It'll be back eventually."

Felix smiled to himself in a dull amusement at the other's quick response. Of course Hyunjin would be awake at this hour: he was just as insane as Felix when it came to his sleep schedule, apparently.

"Do we have any flashlights?" Felix shouted back at him, unable to even read in the near pitch blackness of his bedroom.

The sound of footsteps in the hall grew close after a moment, and as expected, the door swung open.

"They're dead," stated Hyunjin as he poked his head into the room. "I have candles if you want those, though."

"Uh... sure, why not?" Felix okayed the idea, seeing the other give a little nod of understanding.

"Be right back, blondie," Hyunjin gave a mock salute before disappearing into the hallway, leaving Felix to roll his eyes in silence at the nickname.

God, he wondered how Jisung would react to seeing him with dyed hair. He'd always tried to convince Felix to do it alongside him, and would probably freak out if he found out Felix had done it without him.

In fact, Jisung would probably be really pissed at Hyunjin gaining that privilege first.
Felix quietly laughed to himself at the idea of Hyunjin and Jisung fighting over something so stupid.

Actually... a certain thought popped into Felix's mind which made him pause for a moment. The idea of Hyunjin and Jisung meeting seemed laughable at best, and impossible realistically, yet... if Felix were to ever return home, it would surely happen. Right?

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