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"That makes six this week, baby. Don't you think we've gotten pretty good at this?"

Felix only scoffed to himself as Hyunjin's words rang out in the silence of their parked car. The elder boy sat in the driver's seat, as per usual, turning a knockoff Swiss Army knife over and over in his hand.

"I still suck," Felix leaned back into his seat with a groan. "Did you see the look that cashier gave me? He totally knew something was up."

"He did not," Hyunjin insisted. "And even if he did, there's no point in whining about it now. Let's just see what we got, okay?"

"Fine," the blonde agreed, reaching into the pockets of his backpack and pulling out a handful of items.

"Besides the snacks, there's fifteen dollars I found on the floor, a lighter, and some headphones. Your turn."

A smirk painted itself across Hyunjin's face as he placed an item down on the armrest between them.
"I won. I got this bad boy from the back," he spoke with an endearing sort of sarcasm.

"Wow! A fast food coupon? That's high class as fuck," Felix laughed as he picked up the slip of paper, inspecting the details written in fine print. "Expires this week? Even better! Oh, and it's worth a whole five dollars?"

"You're just killing me at this point," Hyunjin couldn't contain the stupid grin forming on his face from the other's teasing as he reached to snatch the paper back.
"I thought maybe we could go on a McDonald's date or something fancy like that."

"Ah, McDonald's..." Felix spoke with a sort of dreamy look on his face. "How romantic. All a boy could ever ask for."

The elder only gave him an evil look, before slumping back into his seat and crossing his arms.
"I'll just eat my cold fries without you then. See how you like that."

"I was kidding," the blonde backtracked immediately. "Cold fries are the pinnacle of romance. I would love to have those with you. Okay? Hmm???" he tugged on the other's arm just to be annoying.

Thus the pair bickered for ages, as had become rather normal over the past week on these... outings, of theirs.

The purpose of said outings, you may ask? If it weren't already obvious: to shoplift. Stealing, one may call it. Robbery. Theft, even.
All were words Felix used to describe what he was doing in his head, as he let his anxious thoughts of being arrested spiral out of control.

But Hyunjin, as a guide, was oh-so-very-soothing... his kind words and constant reassurance made the younger a little more relaxed than he'd liked to have been. Having one's guard so down was definitely not a good thing, when one was trying not to get caught.

The past week or so had been more than interesting for him, to say the least. His new hobby of borrowing things wasn't the only source of excitement as of late. There was also the topic of dealing with... whatever the hell was going on between him and Hyunjin right now.

Felix would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying it.
And he'd also be lying if he said he understood it.

Since the day of their first kiss, a sort of boundary had been shattered between the two. Nothing had been spoken out loud, but the shift wasn't just noticeable... it was everywhere.

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