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Felix was growing awfully tired of driving, and he was about five minutes away from losing his mind and demanding they pull over.

He and Hyunjin were on the road once again, the latter declaring it necessary to make haste in leaving the area and get as far away as possible fast. Felix honestly didn't even know what the city they were going to was called. Gangwon? Gangneung? It wasn't as if he'd been there or even heard of it before.

"Hyunjin," he spoke, bouncing his leg up and down with impatience. "Are we almost there?"

Hyunjin sighed. "You're still asking? I thought you'd be tired of it already after an hour."

"I just wanna get out and walk. Or eat something."

The long haired boy pointed in the backseat. "Then eat. We have food."

Felix swore to god, he would've slapped Hyunjin right then and there had he not been driving the car.


No, he wouldn't have. Felix sunk back into his seat, knowing he wasn't physically capable of harming anyone in the first place. If he tried to fight it would be more embarrassing than anything. In actuality, it probably was a good idea to eat something, as sometimes when he thought he was angry he was really just peckish.

"I've heard the library there is pretty cool," Hyunjin commented, not noticing the bemused look that Felix was giving him.

"Is that why you chose this place?" Felix asked incredulously. "The library?"

"No!" Hyunjin immediately responded, before backpedaling:
"Maybe? So what if I did?"

Felix let out a laugh of disbelief at this, shaking his head.
"You're unbelievable," he said.

"Yeah, unbelievably sexy," Hyunjin snorted, only making Felix burst out into a surprised laughter.

"Hmm, yeah, right," Felix played along with a grin.

"Anyway Lix, they've got computers at the library and I'm tryna buy some shit online," the elder explained.

"Like what?" Felix raised an eyebrow.

"A smartphone," he answered, startling Felix, who had never even considered purchasing a new one on the run. Couldn't it be tracked? Had he destroyed his phone and gotten a burner for no reason?

Hyunjin picked up on Felix's surprised look and shook his head, as if he could tell what the boy was thinking.
"They can't track it if I don't log into any of my old profiles or use my old number. It's safe, I've done this before but my last one broke."

Once again, Felix felt incredibly dumb compared to the boy next to him. Perhaps Hyunjin was his guardian angel, because god knows he was probably the only reason Felix was surviving.

"Hey, look, I think we're close!" Hyunjin continued talking after a moment, pointing out the windshield in front of him.
Surely enough, when Felix turned to look he was greeted with the sight of approaching small buildings, and farther in the distance, taller and more modern ones.

"Oh, thank god," Felix groaned, already itching to get out of the damn car for once.

"Here," Hyunjin spoke as he reached up, taking his baseball cap off of his head and smoothing a hand over his hair to fix it.
"You should wear this instead of me."

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