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Felix honestly was about to go insane if he heard yet another Got7 song play through the radio.

He and Hyunjin had been on the road for a couple hours now, the radio on full blast the whole time. While he had nothing against the group, there was only so many times he was willing to listen to "Just Right" over and over again before he'd had enough.

Not to mention, Hyunjin had been enthusiastically rapping alongside it every single time from the driver's seat.

"Hey," Felix spoke up as he spotted what appeared to be a gas station in the distance. "Can we stop there? I wanna buy a drink."

Hyunjin nodded in reply, switching lanes on the highway in advance.
"Yeah, good idea. I kinda need to use the bathroom anyway."

By now, the sun had gone down ages prior. As the pair drove towards the bright building, the parking lot in front was a contrasting empty and dark.

Felix was already unbuckling his seatbelt by the time Hyunjin pulled the car up near the door, shifting it into park.
"You can go in first, I might get some gas," he gestured for Felix to leave.

The boy gave a quick nod before eagerly doing as told, hopping out of the car and scurrying over towards the store's entrance.

It had been a while since he'd been in a convenience store like this. Normally, while he was staying at the motel, Hyunjin would disappear for a few hours and then return bearing new food... essentially eliminating any need for Felix to go to the store.

However, now, Felix eagerly looked around. He had around $50 which Hyunjin had so kindly given him beforehand, but still felt like a giddy schoolgirl having to choose one item in a candy shop.

An older woman sat at the cash register, paying no attention to Felix whatsoever as she worked on what looked like a crossword puzzle.

So, the boy danced around the store, deciding to pretend as if he was on a fun road trip with his family and letting himself indulge a little. He grabbed an iced coffee from the store's machine, alongside a donut and a couple of other sweets that couldn't have had any nutritional value whatsoever.

As he was digging out the cash and giving the items to the cashier, the bells on the door chimed, signaling someone had walked in.

Felix turned around as the cashier rung up his items, seeing Hyunjin lingering at the door. Upon making eye contact with Felix, he gave a small grin, wandering over towards him in curiosity.

"You're using my money for that?" he questioned lightheartedly, seeing Felix smile sheepishly in response.

"Yes," Felix confirmed without hesitation. "Why, you don't like my diet?"

"Dork," Hyunjin muttered. He rolled his eyes in amusement, grabbing the iced coffee Felix had just bought and walking off with it towards the door.

"Huh...?" Felix said as he finished shoving the coins back in his pocket.
"Hey— wait!"

Felix hurried after the elder boy who was walking out the door of the store, taking a sip out of the coffee.

"Thief!" Felix scolded as he caught up to the elder, snatching his drink back.

Hyunjin only laughed at this, watching the other boy clutch his coffee close to himself.
He gently nudged Felix's shoulder, pointing towards the front of the store.

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