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Weak sunlight pouring through the windows and a completely numb left arm greeted Felix as he awoke that morning, the boy taking ages to become fully conscious and take in the situation around him.

He was dressed in his outfit from the previous day, strangely, and for a brief moment Felix wondered why his blanket seemed to be completely missing. This oddity, however, was immediately shelved as he realized a much greater issue when he tried to move; that being, that he couldn't do so at all.

He briefly glanced to the side, and there lay an angel.

Hwang Hyunjin, in all of his tall and dorky glory, was laid peacefully to the side, his fluffy dark hair ruffled up from the long night's sleep. Most notably, Felix's arm was trapped underneath his shoulders, providing an explanation for why he couldn't feel it at all, and definitely not comforting Felix in the slightest.

He'd almost completely forgotten the events of the previous night. The pair had stayed up talking ages past the witching hour, and embarrassingly, he had no idea when he'd fallen asleep.

Felix must have stared at the boy across from him for a solid ten minutes before realizing he had better, less creepy things to do. He tried to slowly pry out his arm from underneath, not wanting to bother him.

Yet, he inevitably failed, and simply gave up. He yanked his arm out rather forcefully, taking a moment to cringe at the tingly feeling everyone knows of blood rushing back to one's sleeping limbs. While he sat there, focused on getting through that unique agony, Hyunjin, obviously awoken by the action, blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light.

"Oh... sorry, did I wake you?" Felix questioned, knowing the answer already but having no idea what to say otherwise.

Hyunjin turned his head, taking a moment to look at Felix as if processing the fact that the other boy was there at all.

"Mhm," Hyunjin spoke quietly, his voice a little deeper than usual. "It's okay. Doesn't matter."

Felix stared down at the mattress blankly for a moment, a nervous feeling washing over him all at once. Why? Out of all the times for his strange recent anxiety to take control, why now?

"You want me to make breakfast or something...?" Hyunjin mumbled, instantly rendering Felix immobile.

"Um, yeah... sure," Felix confirmed, the strongest urge rising in him to make the elder boy keep talking. "What were you thinking to make?"

"Hmm... probably pancakes or something," Hyunjin answered, his tone low and unusually breathy. "I bought mix at the store," he added, sitting slowly upright and stretching.

Oh, dear god, if his voice didn't sound absolutely lovely in the morning. Felix was torn between begging the boy to go on and demanding that he shut up at once.

"Ah, um, Hyunjin, I can make them if you're tired," Felix offered, saying whatever random bullshit came to mind to fight off the weird panicky sensation building within his chest. "You can... go back to sleep. If you want? Maybe?"

Hyunjin gave him a light flick on the shoulder, and a look that suggested he didn't trust the boy to do it.
"No, it's okay," he said softly, his tone delving into a whisper as he spoke. "I've got it. I need to get up anyway."

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