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One month, three days, and twenty hours.

Lee Felix had disappeared on a Friday, one month and three days ago, and Christopher Bang felt like he was going absolutely crazy.

The dark haired boy sat in his bedroom, jotting down notes in the harsh light of his laptop. It was for his government class, which to be frank, he was growing very tired of.

Although, he was kind of tired of all of his class at this point.

He'd texted Jisung to come over an hour or so earlier, before chucking his phone onto his bed, not wanting it to distract him from his class work. Chan already knew that his best friend would arrive at some point, as the boy never had anything to do.

As if summoned by the thought of him, a tapping came at Chan's window, the Australian not even bothering to look at who it was.
"Come in, it's unlocked," he called out, followed by the sound of his window being pushed up.

"Wouldn't it be easier to just give me a pair of keys?" came the complaining voice of Jisung, who dragged himself over the windowsill and practically tumbled onto Chan's carpeted floor.

"You'll have to prove I can trust you with that first," Chan gave a warm, teasing smile as the younger boy padded over him, leaning over the back of his chair to peek at his work.

"What class is that for?" Jisung answered, burying his face into Chan's dark curls for a moment. He'd always seen Felix do the same, and had never understood the appeal until recently.

Chan sighed. "Government. The teacher is gonna beat my ass if I don't turn this in by midnight."

"Damn. Sucks for you," Jisung said, lightly ruffling Chan's hair before backing off as to give the other space.
He'd never been as much of a cuddler as Felix, who always had himself wrapped around Chan like some sort of human blanket. He could tell Chan missed it too, in the way that he now would linger just a bit too long in their hugs, or let Jisung mess with his hair longer than usual.

Yet, recently they hadn't been talking about Felix as much. Jisung hoped it was a good sign, in that Chan seemed to be dwelling on it less, but knew deep down the real reason his name became harder and harder to say.

It was slowly becoming more and more real, that he was gone. Before, they'd talked about him with a sort of optimism, that he would only be gone for a short time. Over a month without a sighting, however...
They couldn't help but have grim thoughts.

"Oh, by the way Channie," Jisung spoke excitedly, shaking the boy's chair. "You know what day it'll be soon?"

"Hm?" Chan hummed, paying more attention to finishing the sentence he was writing than his best friend's blabbering.

"My birthday!" Jisung emphasized the words with a sort of excited jazz hands.

"Oh! Right!" Chan remembered immediately, giving the other a gentle pat on the shoulder. "What are we gonna do this year to celebrate?"

"Well, I dunno. Last year was pretty fun! Remember, when we went out to skate and waited until around midnight so that Felix and I could both—" Jisung instantly stopped talking as he saw his friend's happy expression falter.

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