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Midnight came and went, and the wild whims of teenagers dominated the early hours of the morning.
A room of the smaller variety was packed to the brim with people, the overwhelming bass of loud music, and snacks and trash strewn everywhere.

Ten or twelve people sat in a circle in one corner of the room, headed by a girl with pink hair in a pair of buns. She'd never given her name, but she was the game-master for now, a result of the unspoken agreement between everyone else that her word was law. Thus it was her to blame for the chaos happening within the circle, courtesy of her choice of activity.

Felix, much to his own disbelief, was one of the people sitting in said circle. He'd just survived a tumultuous round of Mafia, and was only starting to somewhat get used to this whole party thing that was happening.

The group he sat with was rather nice, and through a little bit of socialization he'd come to think somewhat positively towards them. They were a little more rowdy than he would've liked, but it was to be expected from a party.

"Okay!" the pink haired girl clapped her hands together. "Let's spice things up a little. Sei?" she turned to the girl sat next to her, as if on a cue.

"Got it," the girl replied, standing up and scurrying off to god knows where.

With the games at a standstill, Felix naturally found himself scanning over the rest of the room. Embarrassing as it was to admit, he couldn't help but automatically look for a certain someone who he'd barely talked to since the start of the party.

He found Hyunjin across the room, talking to a pair of boys around the same height as he.
Typical. Felix had said numerous times before that, had they met in school, the elder would've been one of the popular kids, too busy to interact with those of lesser social circles.

So, this was to be expected. He didn't exactly hide his wish that Hyunjin had joined him, but he understood not wanting to risk any games with a group of rowdy strangers. If the boy was content standing in a corner just chatting, sipping some pink looking drink in a cup, then whatever. That was fine by Felix.

Or was the sarcasm that obvious?

"Okayyy!" the girl who'd left reappeared in a flash as she slammed a tray of little glasses in the center of the circle, each as full as the smile on her face.
"It's Paranoia time! Everyone knows the rules of the game!"

Felix, in fact, did not know the rules of the game.
But the cheering and screaming from the others in the group quieted him without even trying to; he didn't want to make everyone stop and explain something which they clearly already knew, so he stayed silent, planning to figure out the rules as the rest went along.

This turned out to be easier said than done.

About five turns passed by before reaching him, at which point he had only the most vague idea of how the game worked.
The only reason he'd even realized it was now his turn was from the expectant look of the boy next to him, waiting for him to lean closer to hear him speak.

"Favorite celebrity dancer?" the boy whispered in Felix's ear before leaning back, confident he'd been heard.

Favorite dancer? Okay, fair enough, Felix thought. It was a rather low-pressure question for the first turn.

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