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♡ ♥ On a peaceful sunny day, most people in the village take the time to soak in the sun. Villagers scanning the crowded stalls littered with goods from the faraway trades and the hard work of those whom crafted them. Gold jewelry glinted and caught the attention of rich ladies, their lovers close while constantly checking the endless stalls for something else that may catch their fancy. Weapons that attracted young hunters that couldn't tell coin from product. Foods that lulled those with a mid-day taste of sweets to the smiling faces of all the market traders.

Only a few would be expecting the desperate to be there amongst the bustling crowds. Beggars that glanced at the rich who neglected to clutch their purses close to them, those who let their pockets linger open for nimble fingers to reach in. Those people are the targets of a thief, the vulnerable who fall into your trap.

It was a good particular day, for you anyways. Coins would go undetected in peoples pockets until it was too late, a nimble hand easily finding its goal around coin and valuables while making a clean getaway. You didn't make yourself obvious to your deeds, as no thief would. Your findings being quietly handed over to your assistant Ranboo, whom was also a very close friend.

The small boy was driven out of his rich home after showing difficulty in taking over the family heritage due to his memory loss, so instead his brother took his place, leaving him to become a forgotten part of his old name.

Thankfully when you found him, you could see how broken he was. Without a person to rely on, and you being lonely, you found each other. You kept him away from the actual stealing part however, and instead made him take the coins from you in the crowd and hide them away in your designated safe zone. He was just a boy, and you were going to make sure he kept that innocence for as long as you could.

Your day in the village would last until the sun cast the sky in a golden glow on the stalls began to close, while people left with their goods and smiles on their faces. Imperial guards marched around with their glimmering and brilliant armour to inspect the streets and make sure no lingering thief strayed behind. Their eyes were not as keen as yours however, and the success of your day led you to one more target.

With the stalls closing, you chose your last target for the night without a care. A man from another world whom seemed to be late to the crowd, pockets bustling with gold coins. A wise man would never carry that much gold without a way to hide his riches, not unless he was begging to be stolen from- or drunk from the nearby taverns.

And Piglin never normally came to the overworld to drink the over-worlds cheap ale.

You should have seen the signs. The golden crown, the tall stature of a fighter he carried. You should have known it wasn't that easy, however your logic was clouded with greed.

With a moment too late; hands already nimbly buried into his pocket, your eyes caught the golden blade skillfully unsheathed and placed at your wrist in mere seconds. Your heart lurched as the skin of your wrist was nicked, drawing just a drop of blood. No one seemed to bat an eye at the thief that had been caught red-handed, however you could feel Ranboo's eyes in the shadows, watching as your fate changed.

"Give me one good reason you shouldn't lose your hand here on this street." The Piglin spoke, voice easily demanding your attention. His breath was hot, uncomfortably so, but what else did you expect from a man from the deadlands of the Nether. With lakes of lava did they build their castles, strong like their army of fighters. Despite this, he kept his voice low as to not attract any of the market traders that were packing up, nor the guards that lingered around occasionally.

Your eyes scanned him carefully, pink hair carefully slipping past the band of his skull mask that hid his face from the eyes of all. The features of the Piglin stood out to your eyes, the twitch of his ears and the red eyes you could see from the bone looking at you like a pest, he was from the hard environment of the Nether, and there was no mercy there. His sharp jawline accompanied by his two fangs poking out from his bottom lip that were curled into a frown.

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