Chapter 29

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When we went to the mall, all eyes were on us. Jolene stayed close to me, but she wasn't afraid. She was happy, she laughed and talked with us the entire time. Jackson, who surprisingly made it to the mall stayed as far away from David as possible. Sonya held his hand tightly trying to make him feel better. David did tell me what he did to Jackson, basically he turned him into a Omega that night.

"Made him into a little bitty bitch! I wish we left to see it!" BB trots around happily. I, as usual chuckled and rolled my eyes. The day went well overall, and we all had dinner later. David and Hannah were all over eachother. It's cute and frustrating. I can't be that way with Jolene... at least not above the table. I can't wait until the ball. Thank the goddess it's next week!

It's such a pain to hold back all my emotions for Jolene in public. We don't even share too much physical action. I may not but Jolene does. She always touches me under the table or she'll start it when we are alone in my room. She always gets me started. I never understand why I don't capitalize when Jolene makes her advances. We both want it, but I can't myself go any further than kissing and touching. I wonder is it my loyalty to my parents, my honorable word as a Princess, or is it because I'm a coward? I think it is a combination of all three. I feel a horrible churn in my stomach. Usually I forget nothing, yet I have forgotten the most important thing. I've never told her that I lover her.

The thing is I've been spineless. It's been in the back of my head what my mommy said to me. Vampires don't exactly love their mate instantly like we do. It takes time, its all a process. There is no doubt that Jolene does have strong feelings for me, but I'm not sure that it is love. I've loved her since day one. I can even remember that when I was small I always wanted to be around her. When I was around her I felt like I do now. I feel whole and free. I can only imagine what it will feel like to be officially mated with her.

The dazing joy and pride of my mark on her neck. Proudly proclaiming her as my mate, queen, and wife to the entire world. It will be the greatest moments of my life. I hope to tell her how I really feel at the dance tonight. I'll just be waiting for the perfect moment to tell her. All I hope is she will say it back to me. Although, of course there will be some bumps tonight. I expect tonight to go well. I have my purple dress and my hair is all ready. Jolene and Hannah are getting ready in the other room while Sonya and I are getting ready in my room.

"Alright turn around." I turn around so Sonya can see. I look at her blue dress and smile.

"You look beautiful as always." Sonya smiles and shakes her head.

"You don't look too bad either." We giggle then turn to the mirror.

"So where are the boys?" Sonya sighs.

"In separate wings." She shakes her head, "I hope they eventually get along." I shake my head.

"Oh yeah. That will be the day werewolves and werecats will be singing Kumbaya together." We both laugh and check over ourselves one more time in the mirror. When we step out the room David is waiting for us.

"Ladies. You two look beautiful." David has on a black tux. His hair is slicked back into a ponytail, he shaved again.

"You look devilishly handsome David." He holds his head up proudly as we walk down to the main hall. On the way we run into Hannah and Jackson.

"Where's Jolene?" Hannah smiles at me.

"Just finishing up her hair." She comes over to David, he pulls her into his arms and kisses her cheek.

"I'm so lucky." Hannah blushes and snuggles into his chest. D rumbles with satisfaction.

"So." A beautiful french voice calls to us, "How do I look love?" What could I say? She looks perfect. She looks like she just come from a photo shoot.

"You... You" I slowly walk up the stairs to her then take her hands in mine. I stare into her emerald eyes. Helplessly lost in those green pools.

"You look beautiful." Jolene pecks my lips and smiles.

"You look very beautiful too." I smile at my mate then escort her down the stairs with the others. When we get to the main hall Momma is waiting with the camera. I groan after she takes a picture.

"Ma." I whine rubbing my eyes from the flash.

"What? This is your first dance with your mate and I want pictures!" Momma snaps a few more pictures then instructs us all to stand at the bottom of the stairs. Momma takes fifty more pictures then she smiles at on single one of me and Jolene. She shows Mommy the picture and she gasps.

"You two look so beautiful. That's a keeper right there!" After they are done with all of their pictures we go to the dining hall to eat.

"Now since this is a big night for all of you we decided to treat you guys to a nice fancy dinner tonight!" Jolene looks at Mommy and smiles.

"Will there be battle axes?" Mommy's light blue eyes gleam with happiness at my mate. Mommy shrugs.

"Perhaps, all depends." They both laugh and I pull out Jolene's chair for her. Momma takes more pictures as the food is brought in. All of our dishes are brought in on platters and covers. The servants put the platters down in front of us.

"Oh and David we made sure they got your favorite dish." Momma's dark brown eyes light up with mischief. Oh yes! The cover is taken off and a chocolate pudding cup is on the plate. Momma takes a picture then starts laughing hard.

"Bon appétit!" Momma blares out laughing. She sighs and kisses his head.

"I love you boy"

"Yes Alpha" He grumbles. Hannah giggles then kisses his cheek. David's sulk goes away and his actual food is brought in. We all eat the steak gladly. After of course Momma takes more pictures.

"Belle! I'm blind! I'm blind!"

"Open your eyes and maybe you'll see something fool." BB opens her eyes.

"Oh... don't even say anything." I laugh at BB and shake my head. Jolene giggles.

"What is it now?" I put my jacket around her shoulders as we go out the door.

"BB just being BB." Jolene kisses my temple then scratches behind my ear. I shiver a little, BB falls to the ground happily.

"You two behave tonight please." I raise my eyebrow at her then nod. As we enter the limo David tries to move Sonya next to him but I shoot him a look.

"Don't let's see how he behaves tonight." David nods his head and let's Jackson sit next to Sonya. I glance over at Jolene, she gives a slight smirk of approval. As Jackson sits down Sonya looks over at me.

"Are you okay with this?"

"For now. Let's see how well he behaves tonight." Sonya nods then moves closer to her mate. He looks down at her hand, takes it, and puts it on his lap. David wants to growl, but he sees how happy it made his baby sister.

"We'll entertain this for tonight. After he's not touching her until after the ball."

"That is if he chooses her. We both know what happens if he chooses the other girl." David nods.

"It will be done without hesitation." I nod my head at David. I suppose we will see what happens tonight at the school dance. From what I can already see it should be a memorable night. Hopefully it will be a magical for Jolene and I. 

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now