Chapter 1

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Another week another line up. I look on from my bedroom balcony as a new line of teenage wolves come in. For the past month since my seventeenth birthday Momma has had wolves from all cities, suburbs, rural areas, and wherever else come to see me. They all come as hopefuls to be the next empresses' mate.

"Hey there." I hear Momma's voice behind me. Since the war ended ten years ago, my Momma Hatspehut, and my Mommy Saryia have changed the world for the better. All species are equal under their rule. Humans now have their own Elders and of course their Queen Dawn, but they are still watched.

My parents make sure that there are no disputes between any race of person on this earth. it's good to know that they have rebuilt cities, roads, businesses, and schools. I and my best friends Sonya and David go to Conaway High School. We are the only wolves on campus, the place is all vampire.

"Hello Momma." I move over to hug her. She gently strokes my golden blonde hair then makes me look up into her dark brown eyes. I give a soft sigh before speaking.

"Must I do this Momma? I would have found her by now." Momma smiles gently down at me and kisses my head. She takes my hand turning it so my veins are facing her. She runs her fingers over my veins.

"Belle Venus Hawthorne, you will be the next empress of the world when you come of age. The reason is because of what runs through your veins. I and your mother's blood runs through you, making you our blood child and heir. I need to know that you will be able to have someone to help you carry the weight of a united crown. Finding your mate now is better when you have a good relationship with your mate 3,000 years from now." I sigh and look back into her eyes. 

When I was ten Mommy took some of her blood and Momma's blood and combined it with mine. When I was twelve not only did I have my transformation, I had a type of awaking too. I'm a hybrid and immortal.

"I know Momma, but can we not do this every week at best?" Momma nods then kisses the top of my head.

"Shift. You know the drill." She pats my back before leaving my room. I look up at the Nightsky, by Vincent van Gogh that is painted on my ceiling. Taking in a deep breath I let my wolf take over, I've named my wolf BB. She looks like me golden fur, big dark brown eyes, and she has fangs like I do when she is mad. Another thing that happens when we are mad is our irises turn lightish purple, but mostly white. My door opens again, Momma and Mommy are there. Momma is in her wolf form and Mommy is wearing a elegant Saturn gown.

"Common." Momma says in pack link. Then she licks my snout and Mommy leans down and kisses my forehead. I take in a deep breath and walk behind them to the outside. The line of wolves bow before us the high royal family. They all look back at us, Momma gives me a nod. I bow my head to my parents before leaving their side on the platform. 

I walk past the line eyeing each wolf carefully. The line is both gender, but I'm only interested in girls. Guess it just runs in the family. With each glance at each wolf my heart begins to sting. Once again none of them are my mate. My tai droops when I walk back up to Momma. She says nothing, but the sadness in her eyes speaks for her.

"Thank you all for coming. Have a safe trip home and once again thank you." The wolves bow and leave in silence. As they leave I begin to whimper, my ears droop, and I just feel like crying. Mommy gets down on her knees and embraces me. Lovingly she strokes my fur attempting to comfort me, but the pain is slowly starting to eat away at my will.

"Don't be sad sweetheart. I'm sure your mate is near." Mommy whispers calmly to me. It only makes me whimper more. BB and I can't take much more disappointment, we want our mate now!

"It's okay Belle, your mate will show up soon." Momma nuzzles into my fur. Having both of my parents there for me helps with the pain but it isn't enough. I let out a sigh then get free of my parent's embrace. As a night like this usually ends I go up to my room, shift, put on a big shirt, go get some strawberry ice cream, and watch tv. I do hope Momma and Mommy are right, my mate has to be somewhere out there. I really do hope she is close.

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now