Chapter 24

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"Common BB! Try to catch me!" My beautiful mate runs ahead of me in the trees. To say the least being at Jolene's house that weekend was horrible. It's such a relief to be back at my home, in wolf form, chasing after my mate, and not having a care in the world at the moment. BB is very happy that she gets to come out. She's been stressed out because of all the things she heard that weekend.

I won't lie, all the horrible and cruel things they said about Jolene and I tore me apart. It's one thing to insult me, and don't get me wrong it hurts. But still, the greatest pain in this world is hearing people talk badly about the one you love. It felt like with every harsh word a boulder hit my heart. I can see it in Jolene's eyes sometimes. I can see the pain and turmoil swirling in her head. She's getting weak. It's already a battle to keep Sonya on her toes.

Damn Jackson hasn't even called her since he left. Hannah is calling David everyday and they stay on the phone for hours! This ass that is meant to be my Beta wolf is not getting on my good side! Sonya won't even get out of bed sometimes. She looks so tired and her eyes are practically dead. Her heart is breaking, but I see something else. It seems like it's a sort of hope.

Whatever it is I hope it can keep her going until Christmas. Until then David and I are just going to have to do our best.

I catch up to Jolene and gently nip at her ankles. She giggles and sits down under a big oak. I sit next to her and nuzzle her. She smiles and hugs my head.

"I'm so glad that I can be free with you. I wish it could be like this everyday." I get my head loose and grab the blanket form her lap. Once I have it I turn back into human form. I wrap the blanket around myself then let Jolene snuggle with me.

"Don't worry." I say in her ear, "It will be like this everyday and night come December." Jolene sighs deeply.

"I don't think I can wait till December Belle." She looks down at her hands then runs one through her auburn hair.

"All the things I've been hearing, they're really getting to me. I hate it, people that I thought I could trust are betraying me. My parents rather kill me than let you have me! How aren't you upset at all about this?!" Now she cries into my chest. BB howls in pain for her sad mate. And now from my eyes the tears are starting to fall.
"I do." I say in hushed tone, "Every tear you cry, I cry ten." I make her look in my eyes.

"I may be the next ruler, but I do show feelings. So do my parents. Momma was having such bad nightmares about the battle under the blood moon. She would wake up crying, screaming, and scared that Mor had taken over. I had nightmares too. I could hear the screams from the people outside. It was so loud it was hard not to hear.
Remember? You were scared for you dad and I held you in my arms?" Jolene smirks and nods.

"You told me everything was going to be fine. You held me until I fell asleep..." Her hands slowly cup my cheeks.

"That's when I knew... I was going to end up with you somehow." I touch my forehead with hers. Oh my Goddess, how did I end up with such a great mate? She's just too perfect for me. And I, I don't deserve her.

"Jolene, I want you to stay here with me. I know we agreed not to tell my parents about what your parents said, but we're going to have to tell. Once we tell them maybe they'll let you stay with me. And then maybe we could tell the world that we are mates." The smile on her face starts to grow.

"And marking?" I shutter at the alluring tone in her voice.

"If they allow it then fine." Jolene kisses me and I kiss her back.
Immediately the blanket around me falls to my waist. The cooling night air causes goosebumps on my exposed skin. Jolene straddles me and keeps kissing me. I shutter when her soft hands gently cup my chest. I pull her closer to me then gently put her against the tree I was leaning against.

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now