Chapter 28

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I walk back up the stairs pondering about what Clair has told me. There is still apart of my destiny she doesn't know. She is worried, but we both hope that it is nothing serious. I have what I want, well not everything. I'm happy that things are going well for me, but Sonya on the other hand might still be in some type of jeopardy with Jackson. He has only text her that once, and there is no-

"Do you smell that?" BB whispers to me. We both smell the air. There's a rouge in the palace, not exactly a rouge. It's someone from Uncle Apollo's pack... Jackson to be exact. I follow the scent to Sonya's room. From what I can smell someone's trying to break the vow they took. Taking in a deep breath I enter the room.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" Jackson scurries off Sonya, she covers herself up. Jackson scrambles to put his jeans back on.

"I... I came to see Sonya."

"See her naked? Cause that's what it looks like to me." Jackson huffs and moves his hair out his face.

"You said no mating until December and it's December. My wolf couldn't take it anymore. He wants his mate." I cross my arms and scowl.

"The vow is to wait after the Winter Ball. You're lucky David didn't smell you here. He doesn't like people who enter our territory without permission, so I suggest you get out of here before he wakes up." BB snarls and Jackson's wolf cowers. Sonya gets out the bed and comes over to Jackson.

"I think you should go. Belle's right, David would kill you."

"Not would." I turn and see David clutching his sword, "I will kill you." He starts walking towards Jackson. I try to stop him but he shoves me and Sonya out the way and pins Jackson against the wall.

"What game are you playing with my sister?! First you don't talk to her for months, then you only text her once saying you miss her, now you somehow waltz into my territory and decide that you want to mate with her? Maybe the problem is you have too much testosterone running through you." David pulls out a knife and presses it against Jackson's area.

"I could help you out if that's the problem." Jackson shutters, he looks to Sonya for help. Sonya starts to growl.

"Back away David!" David looks over at his sister then to me. I nod with that David backs away.

"Leave, and don't come back without your pack. By then you are free to mate as long as you make the right choices." David backs away and comes to my side. Jackson looks over at Sonya, she comes to him and kisses him on his lips. He kisses her back then starts to leave out the balcony. Before he could jump over we hear a little gasp. We all turn and see Bailey, one of the toddlers standing there. She screams and points at Jackson.

"Rouge! Mommy! Daddy! There's a rouge!" She runs down the hall screaming. The alarm is sounded. Jackson looks at Sonya one more time then jumps off the balcony. He turns into his wolf then starts to run. Sonya rushes to the balcony and watches as he leaves.

"Sonya!" Beta Selene and Ann run into the room.

"You guys okay?" We all nod.

"David track down the rouge. Make sure they don't come back." David nods then forms into his wolf and jumps off the balcony. He joins the other wolves, they start after Jackson.

"Listen to me wolves. Only hurt this wolf, do not kill him. Make sure his wounds are deep enough so when he is back to his pack his Alpha will know what he did."

"Yes Alpha!" The Betas follow behind the search party. Sonya sighs deeply, she looks at me then looks away.

"Sonya, you know the vow we took. I know it is hard, but you must keep Sonny and yourself in control." She tries to explain, but I will not hear it.

"If I had come any later he would have marked you. I know he's your mate, but he still hasn't made his decision."

"If he was going to mate with me then he made his decision! You don't have the authority to lecture me Belle! I'm able enough to make my own decisions! I know you're trying to help, but I don't need it. The Goddess has finally answered my prayers! So you don't have to worry about me or my mate." I say nothing to her, all I do is nod then leave her room.

"Belle wait!" She runs after me. I turn around her hands reach out for mine.

"I'm sorry. I've just been real moody. Sonny has been whining and complaining and then Jackson came... we couldn't take it anymore." I pull Sonya into my arms and hug her tightly.

"I know. I'm going through the same thing with Jolene." Sonya sighs deeply. I know this is extremely hard for her. I think it's a miracle that she didn't jump him when he came in. I smile at her then hug her.

"Everything is going to be alright. I'm sorry to be so hard on you, I don't trust him is all." She nods.

"I know you don't. David hates him. It all seems so hard." I nod in agreement.

"I know what you mean. Heat is almost here and it will be a full moon, it's going to be impossible." We giggle and Sonya shakes her head.

"Just think about the school dance, we are going to be a pack of horny dogs." I burst out laughing then sigh. I stare into her eyes then hug her again.

"We'll just have to keep eachother in control then. I'll see you in the morning." Sonya pats my back then goes back to her room. David won't be back for a while so there's no use in waiting up on him. I go back to my room and Jolene is waiting for me.

"Everything settled with you and Sonya?"  I nod and get in bed. Jolene gets next to me and starts running her finger over my chest.

"I hope so. Besides her family she loves you a lot. I know she's hurt that you don't accept Jackson."

"Of course I don't." I snap back, "He's a deceitful pup that came here to mate with her even though he's still with that other girl."

"Think about it this way love, maybe he's in love with the other girl. He might have been planing to mate with her but he found out about Sonya." I nod slowly.

"True but in love or not he would have told this girl about Sonya, encourage her to find her own mate, and devoted himself to Sonya." Jolene kisses my neck.

"It's not always that simple." I look over at her. Her emerald eyes stare steadily at me. Her loose auburn locks fall over her shoulders. How? How could someone so beautiful just leave everything for someone like me? Take away all of my power, wealth, and influence I'm just a regular wolf. I wouldn't even be an Alpha. How could she do that so easily without hesitation?

"Was it simple for you?"

"What was?" I sigh and move her hair out her face.

"Leaving your family for me?" She smile then nods.

"I had nothing to loose and everything to gain. It was easy. Look what I've gained. I've got you, I couldn't be happier, I really have a loving family." I smile and pull her close to me. Her lips lock with mine in a passionate kiss. When we break I kiss her head.

"You're right. What more could I possibly give you?" She raises her eyebrow then smirks.

"A beautiful little girl that looks just like you. Can I have that one day?" I nod.

"One day it will happen. For now how about a trip to the mall with Sonya, David, Hannah, and possibly Jackson tomorrow?"

"That sounds good.... hold me tighter." I pull her in closer. She snuggles up to me and after a while she fall asleep. I'm content, but still worried about my friend. Jolene is right as usual. I'll try to be nice to Jackson. It will all depend on how he treats Sonya. I love her like she's my sister. If that mutt hurts her, he will suffer just as much as he makes Sonya suffer. First let's see if he'll even make it to the mall tomorrow.

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now