Chapter 18

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I watched Belle run that simulation for hours. I would have paid more attention if I wasn't so nervous about my parents having tea with Hatspehut and Saryia. Ther's no telling what is going on in the garden. They could be talking about anything out there, including Belle and I. The thoughts running through my head about the aftermath of their conversation have my stomach in knots.

I really do feel like I'm about to throw up. I just... I'm just scared out my body right now. Nothing could really get the worry from my head right now. If the empresses tell my parents that I will be Belle's future queen they could do anything. When I say they I'm talking about Papa. He could try to make me reject her, or if he gets mad enough he might try send me away! I've always wanted to be near Belle. Ever since that night when the war ended I always wanted to be with her.

I still think about it when she held me in her arms that night. I know we were 7, but even then it felt right. I felt like I was safe, I was home. If Papa tries to take me away from her I know that she will come for me, and I'll meet her half way.

"Commander! Tell the third legion to fall back into the fourth! Commence form Horns!" Belle yells. Right now Belle's simulation is up in the forest of the were-gorillas. She has done well in entering their domain, but they are fighting back hard. 

"Majesty the wood is too dense for that form!" Commander Leonidas shouts back.

"If we don't then they will surround us! Form now!" Leonidas follows the order, the soldiers start to close the gorillas in.

"On my word begin to stab into them! Then and only then do the soldiers attack do you understand Commander?!"

"Yes Majesty!" Belle takes a look of the formation from the tree top. She adjust the camera to see more gorillas coming from their city.

"Commander tell the archers to ascent into the trees! We got a wave of gorillas with both arrows and spears coming for us! Tell them to hide downwind as best they can! Let's make it a surprise." Leonidas types in the order and the archers start to climb the trees. Belle takes a look back down at the ground for a second then back up in the trees.  

"Princess the ground army of gorillas are closed in, and the others are closing in fast! Waiting your orders!" Belle goes back down to ground level and sees the trees behind the ground army starting to shake. What is she waiting for? Belle slowly puts her first up slowly.

"Ready! Both tree and ground attack in three... two... NOW!" She slams her fist down with the order. Leonidas gives the order. Belle zooms out so she can see the entire thing. The ground army is destroying the gorillas, the archers in the trees are taking down the gorillas with assassin precision. The gorillas fall from the trees onto the ones falling on the ground. She won, she's absolutely brilliant in battle. Leonidas stops the simulation and stands up from his chair. He stares up at Belle full of awe and pride.

"Amazing highness. I've never seen such an amazing plan before. Brilliant absolutely brilliant." He shakes her hand and looks back at me.

"This is all stuff you must learn Princess Jolene. Do you think you can do one?" A slight pink creeps on my cheeks.

"I believe I am better off watching for the moment commander." He nods his head. Belle titlts her head to the side and comes over to me. My heart slowly starts to  beat faster. A much more cunning smile crosses those full lips, she knows I want her bad. Last night is still replaying in my head. She has no clue what I wanted to do to her. I wanted to... ravish, deflower, and feast upon her sweet body. I wanted to do so many naughty things to her, but unfortunately our moment was cut short. Although that cold water was very much appreciated.

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now