Chapter 2

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The limo drove the three of us to school. We can smell the paparazzi outside trying to get some pictures of me. I really hate the paparazzi as of late. Since my 17th birthday they have been trying to crowd me about my mate. That is all they want to know, who the lucky guy or girl is. One of the magazine's headlines was about who they would think would be my mate. It was the top powerful teens in the world right now. I found it funny that their test said that I would be most compatible with King Anthony's son. A werewolf and a werecat fall in love, how cliché.

"They are showing up more and more. Sonya you take one side of Belle, I'll take the other." David says putting on his sunglasses. I stare out the window and see more and more of those people outside. I put on my own sunglasses and keep staring out the window.

"This really sucks, we can't go anywhere without these people getting in our business. Seems like when you do find your mate you really won't have any privacy."

"True, I'll make sure my parents know about this when we go home." Being the princess is cool and all, but moments like this make it suck. Usually the paparazzi stay away from us, but somehow they will sneak pictures of us and get in trouble. They just don't want to learn their lesson. And Sonya is right I and my mate won't have any privacy with them around. When the limo drives up to the school driveway the car swarms with paparazzi.

"Princess? Do you want me to try and get them back?" Monte the driver calls back to us.

"Try and get them back as much as you can Monte. But you know I can't hide forever." Monte smiles back at me then opens his door. David and Sonya move closer to the door when it opens they quickly step out and try to keep the paparazzi away from the car. Yet the flashing lights of the cameras still got into the limo. David motions for me to come out. When I step out the limo the many questions are thrown at me.

"Princess Belle! Have you found your mate yet?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Princess! Over here!" They all yell at me but I keep my regal composure. David and Sonya try to keep them back but it is getting harder. These people just don't want to leave me alone. And the more this crowd kept shoving the harder it got to protect me. Then the thundering out horses catches us all by surprise. The angry yet comforting yelling of Leonidas made me feel safer. He brought the Spartans to help me.

"Back away you parasites! Back away from her highness or be thrown in jail!" The guards came through the crowd of flashing lights and started to push the crowd away with their large hoplite shields. Leonidas' white armor shines in the light. He walks over to me and checks on me.

"Come Princess, your mothers have assigned us here for the rest of the day." He turns from us and leads us into the front doors of the school. The principal has some of the teachers keeping the crowd of paparazzi away. He comes up to the four of us and bows.

"My apologies Princess Belle. We will have it banned for the press to be anywhere on school property." I nod my head to the principal then continue inside with David and Sonya.

"Christ the principal looked like he was about to pee his pants." Sonya said bursting out into laughter. David and I shake our heads. We walk to junior hall to get our class line ups.

"He should have been afraid. We all know that the empresses don't take any chances with their precious daughter." David says looking over his classes. I giggle at his remark as we go down to our lockers.

"Well its not like they have another precious daughter to protect with everything they got. What parent wouldn't be concerned about their kid?" I groan when I feel someone bump into me. I turn my head and see one of the freshmen and his friends. Freshmen, they all think they are so great.

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now