Chapter 30

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A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to try something new with this chapter, so I'm going to try to put up a video for this chapter. I want you guys to go to YouTube,  go to Elisa Vola channel, and click on Elena Peyton  @DANCING I'll put up bold stuff when you should start playing the vid. Enjoy the feels -Luna


The ride wasn't too long to the school. I will admit it was a bit heated in the car. David watched Jackson's every move, and I watched David. I have to make sure that we all come back to the castle alive. Jolene, Hannah, and Sonya were chatting away the entire ride. They are bonding very well and it puts me at ease. When the limo reached the school there were students and parents standing outside.

"Should we get in position Belle?" David looks out the window then back to me.

"No, if they want to take pictures let them. We aren't hiding anymore, and I won't hide Jolene like she's my dirty little secret."

"Are you sure that's the right move?" David questions again.


"David." Momma says in mind link, "Trust her." David nods, opens the limo door, and helps Hannah out. Jackson gets out then helps Sonya out the limo. Her heart rate increases. David and I both heard it and it makes D snarl. Jolene cups my cheek in her palm and looks me right in my eyes.

"Ready?" I smile then step out the limo. The people outside see me and they all bow. I turn and help my beautiful mate out. When the people look up they see Jolene on my arm. A low murmur starts among them as we go in. Sonya starts up a conversation. We all start to talk and laugh as we go in through the front door.

"This is pretty snazzy." Jackson says as he looks around. Sonya smiles at him then he puts his arm around her. Sonny dances around basking in her mate that she thought she would loose. D and BB aren't convinced.

"I really hate that I can't bite his arms off! Just look at him! His hands are prowling all over my sister!"  D growls to BB.

"Be patient, soon enough we will bathe in his blood!" BB and D growl in delight of the thought. David and I give eachother a look then smile. It would be pretty fun to do that.

"Belle, your parent's wanted more pictures." Jolene says as we make it up to the photo area. I sigh to myself, I'm still recuperating from the pictures Momma took at home. Jolene pulls me along to the line. We take our pictures then head into the gym. The gym looks absolutely amazing. The gym looks like a snowy wonderland. Lit up snow flakes hang from the ceiling, the stage looks like a Christmas card. It is all just perfect.

"Wow! They really out did themselves this year." We all stare in awe then my eyes catch a hold of Jolene. Her eyes are full of wonder and excitement. She only makes me fall deeper in love with her. She catches me looking at her and she grins.

"This guys doesn't know the meaning of the word quit." I look away from Jolene and see Phillip walking up to us. He looks like a mess in a tux. It's clear that he hasn't shaved in months, he's skinny and unfed.

"Jolene." He starts. I growl and stand in front of her.

"Not a chance Phillip. She's told you no over and over, so drop it, keep away, and don't bother us."

"With respect Princess Belle, she's my fiance and we will be married when she decides to stop this lesbian nonsense."

"Phillip!" Jolene moves me out the way, "I hate you. I never wanted anything to do with you. I never planned on marrying you. I love someone else and there's nothing you, your father, or my father can do about it. Now never ever bother me again, or else. Common guys." Jolene grabs my arm and starts to pull me away. Phillip grabs her arm and before I could rip him off Jolene swats him off like a fly. He flies through the sky then lands at the entrance of the gym. Some kids helps him up. He can only look in shock into Jolene's light green eyes.

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now