Chapter 31

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Her sounds, her voice, every moan and gasp made the night even better than it already was. Her most needed touch was absolutely perfect. Our official first night together, I couldn't have asked for a better way to end the night. The time is lost to us as we continue to make love. There is nothing better than making my mate feel good. I must say that it isn't too bad a feeling her making me feel amazing. Jolene tenses up as she releases onto my fingers again. I lost count after 9. She pulls me down into another deep and passionate kiss.

"I can't believe you never done that before." I smile down at her then kiss her again.

"This has to be the best night of my life." Jolene smirks then puts me on my back. I smile up at her and run my fingers down the sides of her neck then her body. I haven't marked her yet. That comes this weekend, how in the world will I be able to keep my composure? Jolene gives me that look then straddles me.

"Aren't you tired?" I say in almost disbelief. Jolene shrugs and starts kissing my neck in my favorite spot. I moan then she smiles against my neck. BB is howling and purring in pleasure. She has been completely satisfied for her first time. Jolene slowly starts to go down on me and I whimper. Something that I've learned tonight is her tongue is absolute murder. Once she starts I want it to end then again I don't.

I tangle my hands in her long auburn hair as she makes my entire body go on high alert. She holds onto my hips as she slides her tongue against me. My back arches off the bed as she starts to get into her mood. I start moaning more and then someone knocks at the door. Jolene stops and pulls her head up from between my legs.

"Belle... Jolene?" Sonya calls us cheerfully. We look at eachother then back at the door.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Shut the fuck up and go to sleep! I'm sick of hearing you two moaning!" Jolene and I look at eachother nervously.

"Sorry. We're done." Sonya snorts then stomps back to her room. I look down at Jolene and she smiles at me.

"What time is it?" I look over at the clock then put my hand over my mouth. It's 6 in the morning. Jolene giggles and straddles me.

"She can't really blame us. There was a lot of... sexual tension between us." I chuckle then kiss her. Her soft lips move against mine and I hold her tighter against me. Jolene runs her hands through my hair as she starts to grind into me. I smirk against her lips then kiss her deeply again. I stop when I hear footsteps coming towards the door.

"It's one of the maids." Three soft knocks follow my statement.

"My Lady? Are you awake?"

"I am just not decent at the moment. What's going on Stephanie?"

"The Empresses wanted to to wake you and Lady Jolene, so  you'll be ready to depart for the Global Palace in a few hours." My eyes widen and I groan. I can't believe I forgot about that. The Global Palace is where the Winter Ball is held, and all the Kings and Queens of the species will be there with us before the ball begins.

"Thank you for letting me know. Steph please put our sheets in the hamper, put out something for us to wear, and would you please pack our bags?"

"Of course your highness." Jolene looks at me then I pick her up in my arms and take her into the bathroom. She giggles and holds onto me as I set her on the counter.

"Forgive me my dear. I totally forgot about leaving for the Global Palace today." She smirks then pecks my lips.

"It's okay we can get some sleep in the limo or whatever way we are going." I get from between her legs and turn on the shower. I feel her come up behind me and slide her hands around my waist.

"Baby, we have to shower. I'm serious no funny business." Jolene sighs then kisses my shoulder. A shiver goes up my spine. That would be the ideal place for her to mark me.

"Alright love whatever you say. So tell me more about the Global Palace. I've never truly paid attention to it." I let her in the shower then I follow behind her.

"Well, my parents built the global palace so all the ruling families of the monarchy could meet and discuss important issues in the world. Only their first born and heir are allowed to come. Now that we are all around the same age our mates are coming with us too."

"So that means I'll be meeting all the crowned heads?" I shrug.

"I'm not sure about the Mers. They haven't been to this gathering in almost five years. From what I know they have been causing trouble as of late." Jolene looks at me confused.


"The Mer- people of Atlantis. You know The Little Mermaid? Those people." Jolene's eyes widen.

"I've never seen a mermaid before! Are they like the movie or are they different than that?"

"They are like Aqua Man from DC Comics. They don't have fish tails they have legs, but they have scales on their legs."

"I can't wait to meet them."

"If they come. Something however tells me that this time they will come."

"Should I be concerned?" I smile at my mate and cup her face in my palms.

"As long as I'm here to protect you, you never have to be afraid of anything or anyone." She smiles up at me and her lips touch with mine. After our innocent kiss we get ready. Because this is a royal appearance I have to put on my tiara. Once I am ready Jolene and I head down the stairs. All our things are being packed in the carriage. Mommy and Mommy are giving Ann and Selene final orders.

"Haty don't worry this isn't our first time taking over the pack." Selene takes the clipboard from Momma. Momma brushes back her dark brown hair.

"Yes, yes, I know, but I can never be too careful." Mommy giggles then kisses Momma's cheek.

"Common now baby girl. Here come the girls." Momma turns around and smirks at us.

"Hey girls ready to go?" We both nod and they come hug us.

"I'm very excited for you Jolene. This is your first of many Global meetings." Mommy puts her arm around Jolene.

"I'm excited to finally meet the other crowned heads Saryia." Mommy smiles at her.

"Good, I know some of them are overjoyed to meet you." She says as she looks over at Momma.

"What? I couldn't help but to brag about you." I roll my eyes as the carriage starts to move. 

"So what did you guys do after getting back from the school dance?" Jolene and I look at eachother nervously then back at my parents. I quickly cover BB's mouth so she can't say anything.

"Slept." I simply say. Momma laughs then shakes her head at us.

"Sure you did." My face turns red and I look away from my parents. They start laughing at me then fill Jolene in about what's going on. Mostly it had to do with the Mers. All I wonder is how long will it take for one of us to loose their temper and start drawing swords. These week long debates sometimes don't go as peacefully as they should.

A/N: Guys how many times must I say don't tell me to update. It's getting very annoying to keep reminding you not to.  Remember it will be a week every time someone tells me to update. Don't make me raise it to two. I know you are all excited for more, but I have to deal with things out in the real world that prevent me from updating as much as I did when I first started. I hope you are all doing well and remember this warning. Next person who tells me to update raises the wait to two weeks per person who tells me to update. Not mad at any of you, just slightly annoyed with some people. Rant over. Comment Vote Peace :)

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now