Chapter 8

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The ride home was very somber. After all that fun at Belle's place I have to do back to my dreary home. I can't even say it is my home, its more of my parents home. They want me to go down a path that they want for me, but I want to choose for myself. But Papa won't let me choose to go left or right without seeing if it will bring shame to the family. The main thing he is worried about now is me, and my as he likes to say it "condition".

Papa really thinks me being a lesbian is a condition that can be healed with the right boy. And he actually thinks that Phillip out of all boys will be the right one for me. He is pathetic, I have more balls then he does. I love women more than anything, and now that I have Belle I can put all my love towards her. I don't mind at all belonging to Belle, but it would be kind of scary being the next Empress.

I know nothing about ruling the world. And on top of that being an Luna to not only Belle's pack but to all the other packs. Saryia being the High Luna means that she is the Luna of Lunas. All of the Lunas across the world answer to her. And when Belle and I are crowned they will answer to me. It is so terrifying but I know Belle will be there by my side.

Belle, my dearest girl. I swear I'm about to jump her every time we get intimate. I'm not used to taking things slow at all. Actually it has always been complete sex for me. We get right into it for a few hours, go to sleep, wake up and do it again, go to sleep, then she leaves in the morning. I have never done anything else with a girl, but now that I am with Belle I want our intimate life to be completely amazing. I know that I should have waited for her, but I'm going to make up for all I did with those other girls.

Belle is going to be so happy with me, or at least I hope she will be when we first have sex. I'll make sure to use all my smarts in bed to please her until she can't take anymore. My wonderful love will wither and scream under me, and I'll make sure that she does the same to me as many times as she likes. After the long ride from the countryside where Hawthorne Castle I come up to my home. I set out the limo, Maria and the stable hand come galloping up behind us. Maria snort when the hand gets off her.

I kiss her nose before going into the house. Mama and Papa wait anxiously for me.

"Well, how did it go?" Mama says taking my shoulders in her hands. I nod my head.

"It went fine Mama. Why wouldn't it?"

"Jolene." Papa bellows, "You weren't here for dinner with Phillip and his parents."

"I'm aware Papa, I was invited to dinner with Princess Belle and the Empresses. I don't think they would have been pleased with our family if I didn't come." His face hardens.

"What about what you told Phillip earlier today. He told me that you told him to leave you be, and that you are a... a-"

"Lesbian Papa, that is what I am. My hunger is towards women, and you know well that can never be changed once it is realized." I turn quickly and dash up to my room. Papa does yell after me, but I pay him no attention. When I get to my room, I keep the lights off and just slam myself on my bed. No one in my family can understand me at all. They should have had another child while they had the chance.

They both look at me like I am an abomination. I can't help what my hunger is, no vampire can! It is never our choice of who we are attracted to. It just happens, the same way it happens with mates. We have no choice it is made for us by our nature. No boy Phillip or not can change it. But Papa thinks that any being that likes the same sex as they should be executed.

I know he wouldn't say that to Saryia's face. She would kill him instantly, and everyone knows she wouldn't have a problem with that. Both Saryia and Hatspehut are well known for being ruthless killers when occasion calls for it. They have been called brutal, cruel, and vicious. They are these things, but only when they are protecting the people they love. Other than that they are very nice and very funny ladies, and they love Belle with all their hearts. If only my parents were like that. All they care about is themselves.

The clock tells me it is ten. The clouds cover the moon, but the light from it still touches the Earth. I open the window and I nice cool breeze comes in. On the soft breeze I can almost here the laughter I shared with Belle and her pack at her home. I miss her and her family already. Correction, I miss my family. More than anything I miss Belle, and oddly I feel short for words without her here. With a sigh I throw my clothes and underwear into the hamper. I crawl under my sheets wishing that Belle was next to me. It would make my life better if she were here. God I'm falling hard after one week, well to be honest its been ten years in the process.


I feel a warm hand resting on my hip. It's circular motion made me moan, this person hands feel freaking amazing. A chuckle comes from the hands owner. My eyes open and I turn around. Belle is there and from what I can tell she is naked too. Before I could utter a word her lips crash into mine. Her body becomes very close to mine, a chilling tingle goes through my body. We kiss passionately and full of longing. Slowly like she is making sure that I am okay with it she lays me down on my back.

Belle's flawless body hovers over mine as she stares down lovingly into my eyes. Her dark brown eyes twinkle as she looks down at my body in approval. I try to open my mouth to talk to her but she only puts her lips over mine. She wasn't rough at all, but she just didn't want me to say anything. She is right why ruin this perfect moment. Our hands tangle and feel on eachother's heated skin. She felt so real. It had me wondering if this was all real.

Slowly one of her hands goes down to my chest, her lips leave mine following her hands down to the rest of my hot body. My hips rise up from the bed into Belle's. She moans at the contact and dives her head into my mounds. Belle's hands mold my breast within them as she kisses between them. Moans erupt from me, my back arches. The shameless whimpers part my lips, Belle stares into my eyes one more time before descending to my paradise between my thighs.

Her slightest touch sends me into a world of new and unknown ecstasy. My hands tangle themselves into Belle's golden blonde hair pushing her further into me. My back arches high from the bed as Belle continues to please me beyond any pleasure I have ever known. Her tongue is making me forget everything and every detail of the world beyond these sheets and this mattress. Then a loud high pitched scream parts my lips when I feel my walls being filled up with her.

Repeatedly she dives herself in and out of me. I couldn't help but to cry out her name over and over and over until I explode into unbelievable ecstasy. I hold on to Belle's shoulders until my orgasm is over. I know I must have left marks on her shoulder, when she comes closer I can see some of them. When I look back into her eyes they have gone like BB's. She stares at the hickey on my neck, a growl comes from her chest. Once again she stares into my eyes like she is asking my permission. Slowly I turn my head to the side exposing my neck to her.

Her faces comes down to the hickey, her breath makes me shutter under her. Belle licks and sucks on it before I feel her canines brushing over it.

"Mine." She growls. I clutch onto her tightly waiting for her to mark me but it never comes. When I open my eyes the daylight pours into my room. I look around and no one is here but me. I look under my covers and see where that dream had a big effect on me.

"Damn. Belle is just so potent, even in my dreams." I get up from the bed and head into the shower. This is going to be hard to keep my hands off Belle if these dreams are going to make my hunger go wild. It's not like I can control myself that much.            

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