Chapter 45

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I am in a hell. I'm in a nightmare that I can't wake up from no matter how much I try to wake up. When I woke up after what Papa did. . . That night. . . It was a blur of pain then peace. When I woke up in my new dorm room I couldn't speak at all. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't make a sound. When I took a good look around I was met by Lord Duncan McClain, the Headmaster of this "school". Lady Catherine's School for Girls is an hell on earth. This place is more of an prison for the attendants. Rich parents send their vampires girls here to be corrected of what the parents see as mistakes. Headmaster McClain gave me a dark smile and told me how things were going to happen here. My name is now Joanna Dubious and I am a mute lesbian who has been sent here by her loving parents to be corrected. Before he left he made it clear that his intent was to correct my behavior. The way they "correct" their students here is nothing less of barbaric.

If you are caught doing anything that this place sees as wrong you cold get a number of punishments, and each is worse than the last. Minor to medium offences will get you a loss of blood privilege, beatings, or hard labor. I have been on thee receiving end of two. The major offence of course is being with another girl. Most of these girls here have been dumped here for that specific reason. The punishment for that is the most evil thing I have ever heard. The girls are brought to the Headmaster's office. . . when they get there he does terrible things to them. He breaks them, defiles them, and leaves them an empty husk. That's what happened to my roommate and her girlfriend. They came here together and refused to let this place tear them down. They were brought up to McClain's office and it happened. When they left my roommate's girlfriend couldn't even look at her. She became a bot, someone that obeys all the laws of the school. My roommate became a rebel, and she swears that she'll get out of here with her girl and they'll be okay again. Naturally I joined the rebels, and I have been treated as such by the administration.

"Jo! Hey Jo wake up!" Annie shakes me hard. I let out a silent groan and look over to her.

"I was having a good dream damn you." I sign. She laughs then sits on the edge of the bed.

"What were you dreaming about?" I sigh and sit up.

"Who do I always dream about?" Her face falls a little. All she knows is my mate is a werewolf girl. It is clear that we did mate. There's still a scar on my shoulder where Papa cut the mark out. Whenever I touch it I feel nothing. The bond is completely severed. For the first few nights I would just cry myself to sleep. Annie would stay up with me until I finally fell asleep.

"I know you miss her. Like you said though, she'll come for you. For now let's head down to the kitchen. Our food privileges are back and I'm starving!" I smirk at that.

"When aren't you?" She laughs as I put on my uniform. When I'm done getting ready we walk down to the kitchen. One of the bots comes bounding up to us. She and the other bots act like spies for the administration.

"Good morning ladies!" Annie grumbles.

"Like hell it is." That makes the bot's face scrunch up.

"Swearing is unbecoming of a lady."

"Then fuck off and find your friends Francis." Annie pulls me along to the cafeteria. I smirk over at her as we sit down with our friends.

"You're probably going to lose your food privilege again." She laughs as she digs into her breakfast.

"Then I better start eating." She chugs down her blood and we continue to converse with our group. The bots are watching us along with Annie's girlfriend. There is almost a blank expression in her face as she quietly eats her breakfast. They made eye contact and it looked like there was a small spark in her eyes. I hope Belle comes quickly. She'll be able to destroy this place and after maybe Annie and her girlfriend will get back together.

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