Chapter 13

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"Princess Belle, is Lady Jolene your mate?!"

"How long have you know if she is your mate?!"

"Princess are you and Lady Dubios dating?!"

"Is she even your mate or are you just waiting until you find him?!"

"Princess are you a lesbian?!"

"Is Lady Jolene Dubois your lover?!" The many questions hurled at Jolene and I made BB go nuts. There are too many people crowding Jolene. It's making myself and BB go insane. More than anything I want to grab Jolene's hand and tell her everything is okay, no PDA at all until winter.

"Might as well tell us not to have any more dreams about her!" BB complains. David, Sonya, Hannah, Midas, AJ, Narcissus, and even Jackson try to get the paparazzi away from Jolene and I. One of the paparazzi yell that my parents are here, most of the crowd leaves, but most stay. Then steady marching of the Imperial Soldiers shook the ground.

General Exous orders his troops to get the paparazzi away. After the second war Uncle Exous became the general of the vampire army. Because he showed so much bravery in the first and second war he became the overall general. Uncle Apollo is the general of the werewolves, and Uncle Exous is the vampire general. As far as I know Queen Dawn hasn't gotten back with General Exous. Their son Titus, is now 19 and will be the king of the humans when his mother steps down. All the other species have their generals, but they are under control of their monarchs. That is until Momma and Mommy call for them.

The paparazzi is backed away from us, and my family in the other limo. Mommy smiles at Exous, he puts his fist over his heart and gets down on his knee. When he rises he hugs my Mommy. They have been best friends since Mommy and Aunt Jamie first became vampires.

"Heard anything from Jamie?" He ask her.

"Yes, she, Marie, and their children will be here for the winter holiday, and for the ball. Will you attend?"

"As general I think I should." Mommy chuckles then takes Momma hand. Man how I wish I could do that with Jolene right now. BB nods more than anything she wants to snuggle up with Jolene, it's what I want too. Jolene moves a bit closer to my side as the rest of my family come with us to the gates. The paparazzi still flash their cameras at me and Jolene, but Uncle Odin and Apollo come to our sides so they couldn't take anymore pictures of us.

Once we got into the gate it was closed behind us. The Imperials guard the gate and only allow students and parents in. This is school property so no paparazzi could come in. Jolene sighs with relief and gives me a playful nudge. I smile back and give her a nudge.

"Must we separate you two?" Sonya says getting in the middle of us. I roll my eyes at her then get her out the way. She heads back over to Jackson and takes his hand. Jackson looks down at his hand then back up to Sonya. His eyes advert to David and he gulps. He knows David is going to beat him down if he doesn't break up with that other girl. What he doesn't know is that I'm going to beat him up too. He better break up with that Chelsea girl or else. He should know that being cruel to people that hurt my friends and family runs wild through my veins. I'll have him beheaded if he does anything to hurt Sonya.

"And I'll be the one to do it. Question should I use and ax our sword?" David growls in my head. I think for a second then smirk at him.

"Ax to cut off his head. Sword to chop his body into pieces." David smiles wickedly and puts his arm around Hannah. They are really just rubbing their mates in my face now. I growl to myself and we walk up to the heathen section. The students are already going nuts, dancing around like the heathens they are. It is so funny how they constantly are getting down even is there isn't any music playing. Mommy and Momma are looking at the students very perplexed.

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now