Chapter 41

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To get her mind off of her father I took Jolene out for a tour of the castle's  maze. Mommy built it when she first built the original mansion. She's told me to keep away from a certain part of the maze. No doubt because of Mercy. She died down here almost 14 or 15 years ago and it still haunts my parents. I don't judge them, but to brick it up is quiet much. As we go through I show Jolene all of the trap doors and secret passage ways. I brought my map of the maze so we don't get lost. I remember that I did get lost down here one time. It was many of the adventures I've had with David and Sonya.

Speaking of my two best friends I haven't seen them the past few days. I don't even think Sonya and Ophelia have come out that room except to eat. I can't blame Sonya, she needed her true mate more than anyone.

"Hey Belle. Why is this part of the map blank?" Jolene points at a certain part of the map.

"I haven't found anything there yet. I keep missing or looking over something. Mommy hid it well I don't think I'll find what's there any time soon." Jolene takes the map and looks around.

"Maybe you just need another set of eyes. Let's go there." I nod and we start going there.

"Why did she build this maze anyway?"

"It's for defense. She found herself trapped in a labyrinth long ago, and she saw how well it confuses people. So she decided that if ever the mansion was to be under siege she and everyone would retreat here into the bunker back here. And invaders would get lost then she could just easily kill them off. She also used to run her blood business down here before she bought the factory space for it. It was a precaution just in case any police decided to come snooping."

"Did that ever happen?" I nod.

"Back during the Prohibition. Police thought she was bootlegging down here."

"Were they right?" I shrug. Mommy was very honest with me about her past. I knew that she was a criminal at times, but she always did it to help support herself and Aunt Jamie.

"In a way yes... here we are." Jolene looks around then lights one of the torches on the wall. I watch in amusement as she starts searching the area. I look back at my map then around the area. All the doors down here are on the left side and levers on the right. Each one is in a different area and none of them are consistent. Jolene pulls the floor mat away and finds an odd square hole.

"What do you think it is?" I shrug and take a closer look. I brush away the dust and see something else. It looks like a brand of sorts.

"Jo, take a look at that. I think this might be a shoe brand." Jolene carefully looks at it and she gasps.

"This is the imprint of a high heel made in around the 90's to two thousand's. It's rare to find this type of shoe, but what it's for or what type of person wore it however." I look at her confused. She smirks up at me then back down the square.

"My Aunt wears these type of shoes to work." My eyes widen. Jolene only has one aunt, and that aunt is. . . well. . . she's a madam in France. Jo giggles at my red face then stands back up.

"Let's see what you're parents have stored down there."

"Hell no!" I blurt out, "I can already guess." Jolene laughs then takes my pencil. After a few minutes she picks the lock. The floor opens under us showing a stairwell. Jolene grabs the torch and heads down.

"Wait a second! We can't be down here!"

"Like hell we can't. Common now baby be adventurous." She looks back at me with those pleading emerald eyes and I easily give into her. We go down the stairs and we come to a phrase written in German. Jolene looks back at me. I know she doesn't know German just yet.

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now