Chapter 4

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We trot through the borders with Beta Ann and Selene. BB is being completely annoying singing her stupid border patrol song. We all try to ignore her but she is just singing way out of tune and extremely loud. I can barely here myself think about Jolene. At the sound of our mate's name BB howls full of joy and happiness. Annoyingly enough she creates a new verse all about Jolene in it along with our land.

"This land is my land, Jolene is my mate! This land is my land, Jolene is my mate! This land is my land, Jolene is my mate! Like the land that is my land, Jolene is mine mine mine miiiiinnnnneee!" She screeches out the last mine over the flat land. It echoes off the plain for a while. BB wags her tail and she bounds around. I would tell her to stop usually but I'm overjoyed too. This first day has gone so well. Everything seems to be going right, and I only hope Clair will allow it.

"BB, I appreciate it if you would be a bit more quiet. We don't know if there are any rouges around." Beta Selene grumbles looking back at me. Nodding I keep quiet and start to act a bit more intent on the borders. We have the largest territory in the world. It is still pretty far from Uncle Odin and Uncle Apollo's, but it is still very large. My Uncle's territories are the second biggest. I think at a point their territories overlap, and they don't mind it at all.

"What was that?" Delta Cassie's twins say at the same time. This is there first time out on border patrol with out group. Right now there are ten groups of twelve wolves out patrolling. I think Momma might be out with the first unit. Sometimes she misses the border patrol because, well she is one of the Imperial Empresses. She does have a lot to do most of the time. Me, I have some things to do, but not too many. My orders as of now are to only worry about my mate.

If Jolene is coming over this Friday, then the borders have to be 100% safe. We have had a few rogues come in looking for trouble. They didn't get less than ten feet into our territory. Not only do we have ourselves patrolling, we have the Imperial Guard, and the Spartan Guard checking on our borders. There is no way anyone can get near our home that isn't apart of our pack.

"Belle get behind us!" Ann said snapping me out of my thoughts. When I look I see an all white wolf just staring at us under the trees. I knew who this was quickly. The beautiful blue eyes were a give away. I come up next to Ann and shake my head.

"Instead of growling you should be groveling." The she wolf grins at me then turns around. I begin to follow, Selene steps forward, but I turn back to the unit.

"Keep going I'll catch up. That is an order." I trot away before I hear their response. The tall trees only allow some stars to twinkle down, but of course the dazzling glow of the full moon still shines down on me. Maneuvering through the thick vegetation I finally find the white wolf again and Clair. Clair sits on a rock, the white wolf she calls Lycia has her head on Clair's lap. My tail begins to wag. I have known Lycia before I knew Clair. Lycia was the one that lead me to the mansion when I was small. She helped me when I first fell off the truck that night so many years ago. Lycia is Clair but in another form.

"Hello my beloved. I trust you had a good day?" Clair smiles at me with that all knowing smile. BB starts to get all excited again. Her tail wags and she comes up to Clair.

"I found her Mother! I found my mate! Thank you so much!" Clair chuckles and pats my head.

"I knew you would find her today. I knew all along. Forgive me for letting you think that she would not come. I was just getting you ready for what is to come." My head tilts to the side while I raise my eyes to Clair.

"What do you mean by that? What am I getting ready for?" Clair sighs and strokes my fur.

"I am getting you ready for pain. You see, I put you and the Dubois girl together for a special reason. Your parents have made this phrase that 'all species are equal.', but I am going to show you that things aren't always what they seem. Be ready because her parents will do anything in their power to split you two up. To prevent this you must take her into your home as soon as possible." BB is understanding and also angry.

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