Chapter 9

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BB's dreams about Jolene have left me completely hungry for her body. I would have to take a cold bath when I woke up. Its gotten so bad I had to put ice cubes in my bath too! Jolene and I have been getting pumped up for the first football game. I always go, and this one is against Stone Mountain High School. That is where the other teenagers of the pack go to school. And just to decode it more its public school. 

I do cheer for both sides, but mostly for my pack's side. No offence to my school, but our football team isn't the best. We win games, but schools like Stone Mountain where there is more of a difference in the team members always run us down. If the school lowered the fee for people to come then they would get a lot more students that aren't vampire. One of the many things I see that still need fixing.

I walk over to the bathroom door when my door is swung open. David and Sonya come running in and tackle me to the bed.

"What are you guys doing?!" I squeal in pain.

"Because, we were tortured by your dreams about Jolene last night! I think I'm scared for life!" David cries. Sonya nods and I hear both their wolves whining.

"In my defense those were BB's dreams not mine." David and Sonya roll their eyes then get off me. BB snickers and settles back down and closes her eyes.

"Now get out of bed with ya nasty self and put on something cute for Jolene. Its the pep rally for Stone Mountain today." Groaning miserably I get out of my warm bed and drag my feet into the bathroom.

"PS, you might have to change your undies!" I growl at BB then questionably put my hand down my pajamas. I gasp at the wetness that cover my fingers at contact. I growl again at BB but she is too busy laughing her fury butt off. After going through my daily routine I go put on my Conaway Lions shirt some red jeans and some accessories. I slide down the stairs and trot into the dining room. I get in the dining hall and I see the football players that are in our pack from Stone Mountain growling back and forth with Sonya and David.

"You preps are about to get beat again!" Simon growls lowly. David snarls back and rises from the table.

"Your just lucky that I'm not on the football team, or I would run you all down!" This is always the scene at this breakfast. Rolling my eyes I walk into the room.

"You guys should be lucky I'm not allowed to play." I take my seat next to the empty chair that officially belongs to Jolene. Daniel snickers at me.

"We know that you can't play. For goddess sake if we hit you the goddess might strike us down with a lighting bolt, or your parents will have us beheaded!"

"I'll take the lighting bolt!" Simon proclaims, we all burst out laughing and my parents come in. They were decked out in both our schools. Momma had on my school and Mommy had on the others. I give Mommy a glare and she giggles.

"What I have to be fair love." They take their seats at the head of the table and a servant comes in.

"Excuse me, Lady Jolene Dubois is here." BB howls with joy and forces me out my seat and rushing me to the front door. We see Jolene standing there and BB goes off.

"Miiiine!" We lunge towards Jolene and pull her into our arms and into a big kiss. She replies eagerly and plunges her tongue in my mouth. We kiss furiously until we hit the wall. Jolene's warm body presses into mine and she jumps into my arms. BB is just going crazy and screaming for me to mate with her. Clair give me strength not to.

"Clair give me strength to make her-"

"Whoa there! Easy you crazy mutt!" BB growls then again takes control of my body and has me start walking to the stairs. My beautiful mate isn't having a problem with this at all. Just as I was about to make my way up a voice has to stop me.

Belle (GirlxGirl)(Third Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now