Chapter 34: Two Heartbeats

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Twins. They were having twins. Not one baby, but two.

Thoughts filled both their heads, the shock hitting them like a train.

"Do any of you have twins in your family? the doctor asked, pulling them out of their shocked trance.

"No." Mia said.

"Not that I know of." Ethan said, as he knew nobody on his mother's side of the family. The two of them continued to be in shock.

"Well, I'll print out your pictures and give you two a couple moments alone while I check on another patient. Everything looks fine, and both of them are healthy." the doctor said, turning to print the ultrasound pictures and handing them to the couple as she stepped outside. Mia sat up as Ethan stood beside her, still in shock.

"Ethan.." she said quietly, still unable to speak. "I don't know whether to be happy or be terrified."

"Me too." he said simply. He looked down at one of the ultrasound pictures they were given, and it was true. It wasn't some dream. On the picture was two tiny little beans, labeled 'Baby A' and 'Baby B'. He looked down towards Mia, who was deep in thought, and he realized that she was doing what she did when they first found out she was pregnant.

All Mia could think about was that risks. Being a doctor, they knew all the risks and all the things that could go on. As if she wasn't terrified that she would do something wrong and mess up their baby, now they had two babies. Her pregnancy was already going to be high risk due to the maitotoxin cure uncertainty, but all multiples pregnancies were considered high risk. They would most likely come out prematurely with low birth weights. She was a rather short and tiny person, and her body would play a factor into the struggles. Pregnancy with multiples were also much more complicated, let alone the birth itself. Then, there was the question of what would happen after the birth, if things did go well.

"Ethan, how are we going to take care of two kids?" she asked. Financially, there was no issue. But it was a matter of time, and much of it they could devote to their kids. "We're doctors, we were already freaking out about how much time we could devote to one kid, but two? How are we going to be present parents for two babies?" she asked, the question looming over their minds.

"I don't know." he said simply, as anxiety rushed through him. However, as they both looked down at the ultrasound pictures, something clicked. Like it was finally real for them. Like a part of them clicked in which they knew that no matter what, these were the cards they were dealt. They came over with some parental instincts, and that's when it hit them. Sure, they were freaking out on the inside. But they were having two babies. And they were real, they were inside her, and they're real.

"We're having twins." she whispered as she held the picture, looking down at it as her eyes watered. She looked up at him as he also had that same look on his face, it finally hitting them.

"We're having twins." he said quietly back to her, like they were finally coming to terms with it. Even Ethan's eyes started to become glossy with tears as she got up and hugged him tightly, surrounding him with her arms as she hugged him for dear life.

"Shit, this is really happening." Mia said.

"I know." he said. "We got this, right?" he asked her, and somehow this simply made her smile widely, the happiness catching up to her.

"Yeah. It's scary but it's happening, and we're just going to have to do it." she said, pulling back with a devilish grin on her face, making Ethan roll his eyes and the corners of his lips turned up ever so slightly.

"Just make the damn Super Sperm jokes already." he said, knowing what she was thinking about as she jumped and giggled.

"You managed to knock me up, on our wedding night, with not one but two babies." she said, making him roll his eyes once again. "And I thought you had super sperm before!"

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