Chapter 17: Hallow's Eve

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A couple months later, it was the middle of October. Just a normal day at Edenbrook, Mia had a couple patients, there was a diagnostic patient to meet later, and a bunch of paperwork. After transferring a patient's bloodwork to the lab, she quickly heard the shuffle of feet and a wheelchair's wheel behind her. She turned around to see Bryce, Baz, Elijah, and Tobias, looking at her anxiously.

"What did you guys do?" she said, moving the group to the side to clear the lab's window.

"Aren't you usually the one answering that question?" Tobias asked.

"Gee, thanks for ruining my mojo." Mia said. "But seriously, what happened to you guys?" 

"Toby is throwing a Halloween party." Baz said.

"Oh wait, that's really cool actually" Mia said.

"But we need a favor" Elijah said. "

"I'm planning on doing a thing where everyone is in pairs and we're all dressing up in costumes. It'll be iconic and fun." Tobias said. "We need you to convince your ever so stoic partner to do it."

"Ah." Mia said, nodding as she understood what they were saying. "It's Ethan, what makes you think I can convince him to dress up in a costume for a party?"

"You're his fiancé, and he's crazy about you." Bryce said. "Plus, we told Toby and Baz about the baseball thing."

"What baseball thing?" Mia asked.

"When that one time we needed another person for the Edenbrook vs. Kenmore baseball game, but Ramsey said no to us." Elijah said. "Then, you went and asked him, and when he asked why he would do it and you said simply because you asked him to, he agreed."

"See, I always knew that sex could convince even great men to do the wildest things, but that day truly supported my belief." Bryce said.

"You guys are insane, I have no recollection of this ever happening." Mia said, lying to hopefully get them off her case.

"Mia pleeeeeeeaseee?" Baz whined. "It'll benefit you. You guys will be able to do some cute couple's costume and the best costumed pair will win a competition." If there was something that could persuade Mia, it was the promise of competition. A quality that she and Ethan shared.

"Fine." Mia said, rolling her eyes. "I have some free time right now, I'll go do it. No promises." She started to walk off to the diagnostics office where Ethan was, but heard the sound of the four following her. She turned around to face them, a confused look on her face. "Are you guys sure the circus didn't lose some of its animals?"

"I know you're seen as mine and Zaid's little sister, but you're acting a lot more like his twin than me." Baz said.

"Don't you guys have things to do?" she asked them.

"Actually no, we have a couple moments of free time." Tobias said. "Plus, if this baseball thing Bryce and Elijah said was true, we want front row seats at a recurrence." Mia rolled her eyes and groaned, turning around and going to the diagnostics team as the rest followed closely behind.

She walked in, the four others going and sitting at Tobias and Baz's desks, as Mia walked over to Ethan.

"Hey" Ethan said, giving her a quick kiss. She turned around and leaned her backside against the desk, looking towards Ethan with folded arms. "Why are you looking at me with that face?" he asked her, folding his own arms as he turned towards her in his chair.

"What face?"

"The face you make when you need something."

"I don't need anything." she scoffed, looking at the ground and pouting. "Ugh, fine. I'm asking you, to dress up for Toby's Halloween party. And I know you said no, but I really want you to. Yes, it's cheesy, but I want to be able to dress up. And dress up with you." she said, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "Last year, around this time was when the senator assassination attempt happened. And I'm not going to get all mega depressed, but because Raf and I were in sick and recovering in this hospital, and because of what happened to Danny and Bobby, we didn't celebrate Halloween, and I cried that night because I so badly wanted to. And I love Halloween. I love being able to dress up and take crazy pictures and watch scary movies and get high on sugar. And over a year ago, we would've killed to be other people, not restricted by the expectations and pressure of the people and situations around us. And they'll be a pretty pretty competition for us to win. So, please?" she asked. She then looked at the guys, who were evidently trying their hardest to eavesdrop, and leaned in to whisper into Ethan's ear. "Plus, if you don't dress up, I'll dress up as a teddy bear and say that you're you and I'll tell everyone the teddy bear story!" she whispered threateningly, as Ethan laughed. 

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