Chapter 8: Crisis

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It had been two the third day of the team being in D.C, and they had just gotten the test results back. And, to their dismay, none of it explained the mix of symptoms and their severity that she was facing. 

The news of the president's condition still hadn't reached the press yet, but the President still wasn't getting any better. That day, the team was working from the penthouse, analyzing all the information once again to see if they missed anything.

"It doesn't make sense" Baz said. "There's not indication of a thyroid condition, anemia, cardiac trouble, and yet she is having all these symptoms."

The thing was, Baz was right. It made no sense. These were symptoms that were common with countless of other diseases that were treatable to keep under control, and yet nothing worked. 

After continuing to analyze all the information for hours on end, they still were unable to find anything. Everyone took a quick break before dinner, with Mia and Ethan returning to their room.

"At this point we're not gonna be able to celebrate your birthday for a while." Mia said. 

"Good." Ethan said. 

"Excuse me sir." Mia said. "I thought we agreed you would let me do something for your birthday."

"But I'm old." he said.

"Okay so? That never stopped anyone before." she said. 

"But I don't really want to celebrate it." he said, as Mia got an angry yet sad look on her face. 

"But you said we could. And I wasn't too good about my birthday but you made it an amazing day for me." she said, looking down at her feet all sad. 

"Well we can't all be childish about things." he said in a hurtful, as Mia looked up at him with a hurt look on her face. 

"What-" she said in sheer disbelief.

"You need to stop being childish about things. I'm almost 38, and I don't need you celebrating my birthday like I'm a child." he said, as angry tears filled Mia's eyes, threatening to fall from her eyes but she tried her hardest to keep it in.

"Its not like I was going to throw a huge party, I was okay with just starting it slow and taking you out somewhere for dinner or something that I knew you would like." she said. "But no, apparently wanting to make you feel special like you made me feel on mine is just childish. If you can't handle someone that's as 'childish' as me then don't fucking date me." she said, as Ethan now looked at his feet. Suddenly his phone on the table rang. Ethan just looked at it and Mia, who was closer, picked it up. 

"Hi, Dr. Ramsey is currently fighting with his girlfriend and cannot come to the phone right now." she said.

"Who is it?" he asked, as Mia put the phone slightly away from her ear and put her hand over it, saying "Its the White House" as a long of shock and almost fear came over Ethan.

"WHAT?! Mia give me the phone!" he said.

"Its Tobias saying that dinner is ready, how dumb do you think I am?" she said before going back to the phone to tell Tobias that they were on their way. 

As she hung up the phone and gave it to Ethan, she looked him dead in the eyes, his eyes now showing a sense of sadness and regret for the words he said because he saw how it affected her. 

"Mia, but-"

"Don't worry, I'm not so childish that I'll go out and create a scene in front of the others." she said, before walking out the room, Ethan following slowly after. They walked into the room to see Baz and Naveen setting the food on the table, while Tobias stood there looking worryingly at Mia, who faked a smile despite the sadness within her so that Tobias wouldn't be worried and think that nothing was happening. While eating their dinner, the guys engaged in conversation, while Ethan and Mia stayed in abnormal silence.

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