Chapter 46: What's Life Without a Little Hope?

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The blaring sound of the alarm awoke Ethan from his rest, an unwelcome interruption to the rare occurrence where he had a dream.

He looked over to his side, seeing his wife, who was sitting up with her back against the bed's headboard. With pillows behind her back and the blanket only up to about her waist, her hair was in a messy bun as she appeared to have been reading on her phone.

"Good morning E." She said softly, putting her phone in her lap as she took a hand and brushed her fingers through his hair, lightly massaging his scalp as it slowly woke him further. After reveling in the comforting feeling for a couple moments more, Ethan sat up similarly to her, sitting against the headboard next to her as he leaned in to kiss the hollow of her temples.

"Good morning angel." He said, using the pet name the made her blush like a lovesick teen. "How long have you been up?"

"About an hour." She said as she slightly shrugged. Another one of her many, many pregnancy symptoms was her irregular sleep schedule. She would often be exhausted and ready to pass out at 8 pm, but then awake early in the morning and be unable to return back to sleep.

"What have you been reading?" He asked, looking towards her phone as she angled it towards him. He pulled back to grab his glasses from nightstand, coming back to her side to grab her phone with one hand and put this other arm around her shoulders.

The site read 'Baby Names', and had an assortment of names. There were your common names, like Sophia, John, Alex, and even out of the ordinary names like Music and Apple.

"Who in their right minds named a child 'Apple'?" Ethan asked as he cocked one eyebrow up, looking to the woman beside him.

"Gweneth Paltrow." She said. "Though she also made a candle that smells like her vagina, so I don't know if she's the example to follow."

"Touché." Ethan said simply, remembering the many times that Mia had spoken over the insane behavior that the actress gave off. He handed the phone back to Mia, who took it with a smile.

"You seem excited." He said, a small smile on his own face at the sight of her happiness. It was relieving to see her smile, even if momentarily. The pregnancy and every thing going on with her had been so draining, and with all that plus all the hormones, he could tell that it was taking a toll on her mentally.

"It's Raf's first day today." Mia said with a smile. "We're going to go welcome him officially to Edenbrook before the Department's meeting with Naveen."

Ethan simply groaned at the sound of the meeting not wanting to remember the horrible tradition of all the doctors coming together under an unspoken competition of who was doing the best for the hospital. Ethan nuzzled his head into her shoulder s he placed his hand on her stomach. She lightly giggled before kissing his head and brushing her fingers through his hair. His fingers grazed over her stomach, as he smiled against her skin.

"You look pregnant." He said, looking at the small bump, visible in the gray tank top she fell asleep in.

"No shit Sherlock." She said, looking down at the bump. "Kinda weird though."

"It happened so quick though." Ethan said. "Just a week ago you could barely tell and now, you're showing." He said, looking up at her with a small smile, his ocean blue eyes shining bright with excitement over their little bundles of joy only being met with a nervous look on her face.

"Is it really that obvious?" She asked.

"Well, with your lab coat it should be fine." He said, as she sighed.

"Dammit." She said, getting up from the bed as she went to go get ready, Ethan following moments after. 

The two of them got ready for the day, putting on their navy blue Attending scrubs with the lab coats on top. Mia stopped in front of the full length mirror, looking at her belly poking slightly through her scrubs. Ethan came and stood behind her, trying to analyze the calculating look on her face.

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