Cԋαρƚҽɾ 29: Lαƚҽʅყ ρƚ 2.

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September 30, 1993
12:23 am

Ranae along with Dalvin, Jojo and Kci, sat patiently in the hospital waiting room, anticipating a update on Devante's condition. When the security ran in to tell everyone about the robbery, they lost it. Everyone was standing around awaiting Donald's arrival but little did they know the tragic news they were getting instead.

The four of them were still so anxious, all they know is that Devante got robbed. They don't know how it all went down and why he ended up at the hospital but hopefully it wasn't anything brutal. Ranae thought it was ridiculous how not one doctor came out yet to tell them how he was.

For all they know, he could be in there on his death bed now.

Ranae glanced up from her shaking hands, over to Dalvin who just sat slumped in the chair with his hood over his head. They didn't even let him back there yet and by the look on his face, he was pissed off but worried. Jojo and Cedric couldn't seem to bring their attention up from the floor.

Joel head was in his lap and though he was worried, Ranae felt he probably fell asleep already.

She finally sat back in the chair trying to calm her nerves but when she did, a man approached the four with a notepad in his hand. Not wanting to stare him directly in his face, Ranae head dropped since she didn't think he wanted anything.

In fact, he approached her and all the guys looked up "Are you Ranae?" He questioned with a puzzled expression.

Ranae furrowed her eyebrows "Umm y-yes." She stuttered.

He nodded for her to stand up "I need you to come with me, I need answers."

"Come with you where? I need answers too." She sat still in her seat.

"Where just taking a trip down to the station for an interrogation—"

Dalvin shot up from his seat, cutting the detective off "Naw man, she ain't got nothing to do with this." He quickly stepped in.

"Interrogation? I had nothing to do with this!" Ranae semi yelled, now standing. She refused to get thrown into the mix not even knowing the full story. What answers would he get out of her anyway if she wasn't there?

"Young lady please don't make this difficult. We're just taking a drive up the street for questioning and you'll be back before you know it." He gently grabbed her arm.

"You can't just do the questioning here?" Dalvin asked while firmly grabbing his shoulder, he wasn't trying to let Ranae out of his sight, especially with a stranger.

The detective glared at him "Sir, I don't need you telling me how to do my job. Remove your hand from my shoulder." He warned and Dalvin backed up.

"Can I at least come with her?" He asked and even Ranae gave him pleading eyes.

"No, she's not a child, she can handle herself." He said sternly and begin walking Ranae out of the waiting room.

Multiple questions were going through her head, she wondered why out everybody here she was the one going into questioning. She didn't commit any crime and had nothing to do with the robbery.

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